2022 : Atelier de conception pédagogique pour la création de Kadenze Academy
- Instructional Design, Principles and Applications book by Leslie J. Briggs (Editor) et al
- Principles of Instructional Design, 2nd edition book by Robert M. Gagné & Leslie J. Briggs
- Productive Thinking book by Max Wertheimer
- The Conditions of Learning, 4th edition book by Robert M. Gagné
- Instructional Design Essentials: Models of ID course by Joe Pulichino
- NCS Natural Colour System®
- Inge Druckrey: Teaching to See documentary by Andrei Severny
- Envisioning Information book by Edward R. Tufte
- Visualizing Data book by Ben Fry
- The Shape of Design book by Frank Chimero
- Meggs' History of Graphic Design, 5th edition book by Philip B. Meggs & Alston W. Purvis
- Helvetica documentary by Gary Hustwit
- Thinking with Type, 2nd edition book by Ellen Lupton
- Colour, 2nd edition book by Edith Anderson Feisner
- Grids book by Gavin Ambrose & Paul Harris
- Transcending CSS book by Andy Clarke
- L'homme et ses signes book by Adrian Frutiger
- Understanding Comics book by Scott McCloud
- The Elements of Design book by Loan Oei & Cecile De Kegel
- Édition : OECD, Wolters Kluwer
- Éducation : EnsAD, Sciences Po Médialab
- Impression : Autajon
- Jeux Vidéo : Pastagames
- Sport : eGull
- Télécom : Expway, Vodafone, Voxmobili
- Web : Family&Co, Legalbox
- The Mythical Man-Month, anniversary edition book by Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
- JavaScript: The Good Parts book by Douglas Crockford
- Object Design book by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock & Alan McKean
- A Pattern Language book by Christopher Alexander et al
- The Timeless Way of Building book by Christopher Alexander
- Refactoring book by Martin Fowler
- XSLT Fondamental book by Philippe Drix
- Design Patterns book by Erich Gamma et al
- UML Distilled, 3rd edition book by Martin Fowler
- Le langage Caml book by Pierre Weis & Xavier Leroy