Modern reimplementation of the Diablo 1 game engine. Clone Freeablo on D language.
Broken pre-alpha
- SDL2
- SDL2Mixer
- SDL2Image
Without boost, python, cmake, libRocket, without Qt5, libbz2 and zlib
- Main.d (main.cpp)
- Settings.d (settings.cpp, settings.h)
- Position.d (position.cpp, position.h)
- Misc.d (misc.cpp, misc.h)
- Md5.d (md5.cpp/md5.h)
- Mst.d (rewrite mst.cpp/mst.h)
- FreeabloIO.d (faio.cpp, faio.h)
- LevelObjects.d (levelobjects.cpp, levelobjects.h)
- EngineMain.d (enginemain.cpp, enginemain.h)
- InputObserverInterface.d (inputobserverinterface.h)
- ThreadManager.d (threadmanager.cpp, threadmanager.h)
To compile StormLib for Linux:
make -f Makefile.linux
Original code under GPLv3, my code under MIT, you can use my code in commercial projects without my claims, but better discuss this with Freeablo authors