Get python source code in Python-X.X.X
Get embedable release in python-X.X.X-embed-amd64
Edit qrenderdoc/pythonXX.natvis by copying the existing pythonYY.natvis and replacing pythonYY by pythonXX everywhere in its content.
Copy Python-X.X.X\Include\*.h to qrenderdoc\3rdparty\python\include
Copy C:\PythonXX\Include\pyconfig.h to qrenderdoc\3rdparty\python\include, C:\PythonXX being the install path of PythonXX
Copy python-X.X.X-embed-amd64/ to qrenderdoc\3rdparty\python
Copy python-X.X.X-embed-amd64/pythonXX.dll and _ctypes.pyd to qrenderdoc\3rdparty\python\x64
In qrenderdoc/qrenderdoc_local.vcxproj replace
<Natvis Include="python36.natvis" />
<Natvis Include="pythonXX.natvis" />
In qrenderdoc/Code/pyrenderdoc/python.props replace
In qrenderdoc/ replace
Manually run the lines of dll2lib.bat in qrenderdoc\3rdparty\python\x64
Open renderdoc.sln in VisualStudio
Right click on the solution, "Retarget Solution" to your latest
Make sure you build the x64 version, not x86, Release mode
Build pyrenderdoc_module
Copy x64/Release/renderdoc.dll and x64/Release/pymodules/renderdoc.pyd to MapsModelsImporter/blender/bin/win64