- Please complete the user story below.
- Your code should compile (if necessary) and run in one step. It is ok if there is a build process.
- JavaScript should be used as a platform.
- Use React.js.
- Styles can be added with frameworks, libraries, plain css, preprocessors or postprocessors, be imaginative!
- You must use this placeholder URL for getting the images: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos
- The images can’t pop or flicker, they must appear smoothly on the screen.
- As a user visits the root URL
- The user can see a grid of images that fill the screen on load
- As the user scrolls the browser, more images are loaded dynamically
- When the user clicks an image, it is removed from the list and disappears
- The grid should be responsive, showing 2 columns on small devices and more as the device width growths.