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563 lines (418 loc) · 16.7 KB


File metadata and controls

563 lines (418 loc) · 16.7 KB


  • Add changes to aluminium regions to docs
  • Add RoW and Global to final


  • Removed Churchill Falls generating station (shouldn't have been included in the first place)
  • Merged IAI regions 6A & B at request of Pascal Lesage (location 957d3a44-9ec2-4829-b5fe-17ba975a45da is therefore deleted)
  • Made IAI region names and shortnames more consistent
  • "Sint Maarten, Dutch Part" was changed to "Sint Maarten". The French part is "Saint Martin".
  • Europe no longer includes parts of Türkiye, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The "European" and "Asian" parts of Russia are now defined by Russian oblast (province).
  • The location "Central and Eastern Europe", which was marked as obsolete in 2009 and is not used by any datasets in 3.1, is now removed.


  1. Import country geometries from natural earth into table "ne_countries"
  2. Import province geometries from natural earth into table "ne_provinces"
  3. Import sovereign state geometries from natural earth into table "ne_states"
  4. Create "ei_topo" topology
  5. Import cutout shapes from geopackage into table "cutouts"
  6. Edit cutout shapes to fit into existing borders
  7. Create topologies from all four tables in new table "geometries"
  8. Write ecoinvent geographies into new table "final" (translate topology to geometry, edit field names)
  9. Add metadata from JSON config scripts and Natural Earth tables
  10. Export geopackage using ogr2ogr

Ecoinvent-required fields - mapping with ne_countries

  • ISOTwoLetterCode
  • UNCode
  • longitude
  • ISOThreeLetterCode: su_a3
  • UNSubregionCode
  • latitude
  • UNRegionCode
  • uuid
  • shortname:
  • name (multiple languages): name

Recipes file format

Each recipe has the following format:


name, collection, {

geometry tablename: [list of constituent names]



This generic recipe would generate the following SQL:

INSERT INTO final (name, collection, geom)

select name, collection, ST_Union(geometry(t1.topogeom)) FROM (

SELECT topogeom FROM geometries g where g.tname = geometry tablename and in (list of constituent names)

) as t1;

If there are two tablenames, the recipe would be:


name, collection, {

tablename one: [list one], tablename two: [list two]



And the SQL:

INSERT INTO final (name, collection, geom)

select name, collection, ST_Union(geometry(t1.topogeom)) FROM (

SELECT topogeom FROM geometries g where g.tname = tablename one and in (list one) UNION select topogeom FROM geometries g where g.tname = tablename two and in (list two)

) as t1;

One special case is for provinces, where we need to also include the country:


"Northeast Power Coordinating Council", "americas-electricity", {

"ne_provinces": [
"Canada", ["Québec", ...]], "United States", ["New York", ...]]




Note the syntax change: ne_provinces is now a list, with steps of country, [list of provinces].

In this case, the SQL would also include filtering by parent:

INSERT INTO final (name, collection, geom)

SELECT 'Northeast Power Coordinating Council', 'americas-electricity', ST_Union(geometry(t1.topogeom)) FROM (

SELECT topogeom FROM geometries g where g.tname = 'ne_provinces' AND g.parent = 'Canada' and IN ('Québec', ...) UNION SELECT topogeom FROM geometries g where g.tname = 'ne_provinces' AND g.parent = 'United States' and IN ('New York', ...)

) as t1;

Shell script

Shell script is

It assumes the following:

  1. You have python installed on your machine

  2. You have Postgresql and PostGIS installed on your machine

  3. You have a Postgresql user named "ecoinvent" who can create tables. You can create users with the following command in the shell:

    sudo -u postgres createuser -s ecoinvent

Shell script takes a few hours to run.


Python packages

  • argparse
  • babel
  • fastkml
  • lxml
  • sphinx
  • unicodecsv
  • progressbar33

General reading

Database config

Set up database:

CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;

Create topology:

SELECT CreateTopology('ne_topo', 4326);

We now have a topology called ne_topo.

If this doesn't work:

  1. Try adding postigs_topolgy again (!?)
  2. Make sure topology is in "select postgis_full_version();"
  3. Make sure topology is in "SHOW search_path;"
  4. Refresh database connection in pgadmin.

Add data

Convert to SQL:

shp2pgsql -s 4326 ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp ne_geometry > ne.sql

See also :

Import into database:

psql -d natural-earth -U cmutel -f ne.sql
  1. Check in qgis

Setup topo geometry column

Add topo column:

SELECT AddTopoGeometryColumn('ne_topo', 'public', 'ne_geometry', 'topogeom', 'MULTIPOLYGON');

Parameters are:

  • topo name
  • schema
  • table
  • column
  • feature type

See also:

Create topo geometries

Turn existing geometries into topo geometries:

UPDATE ne_geometry SET topogeom = toTopoGeom(geom, 'ne_topo', 1, 0.000001);

Takes ~ 5 minutes.

See also:

Check results in qgis

Load the following tables:

  • ne_topo.edge_data
  • ne_topo.node


Note: We don't use simplification for now.

Find optimum simplifcation tolerance

  • SELECT 1 as id, st_simplify(geom, 0.001) as geom FROM ne_topo.edge where edge_id = 3827
  • SELECT 1 as id, st_simplify(geom, 0.01) as geom FROM ne_topo.edge where edge_id = 3827
  • SELECT 1 as id, st_simplify(geom, 0.1) as geom FROM ne_topo.edge where edge_id = 3827
  • SELECT 1 as id, st_simplify(geom, 1.0) as geom FROM ne_topo.edge where edge_id = 3827

0.01 seems like the best for now.

Create simplification function

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION SimplifyEdgeGeom(atopo varchar, anedge int, maxtolerance float8) RETURNS float8 AS $$ DECLARE

tol float8; sql varchar;

tol := maxtolerance; LOOP

sql := 'SELECT topology.ST_ChangeEdgeGeom(' || quote_literal(atopo) || ', ' || anedge
|| ', ST_Simplify(geom, ' || tol || ')) FROM ' || quote_ident(atopo) || '.edge WHERE edge_id = ' || anedge;
RAISE DEBUG 'Running %', sql; EXECUTE sql; RETURN tol;
RAISE WARNING 'Simplification of edge % with tolerance % failed: %', anedge, tol, SQLERRM; tol := round( (tol/2.0) * 1e8 ) / 1e8; -- round to get to zero quicker IF tol = 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '%', SQLERRM; END IF;





select SimplifyEdgeGeom("ne_topo", edge_id, 0.01) from ne_topo.edge_data;

Turn topographies back into normal geographies


Eliminate non-branching nodes

Defined in sql/create-functions.sql, and run in python/

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION EliminateNonBranchingNodes() RETURNS int AS $$

select ST_ModEdgeHeal('ei_topo', outr.lft, outr.rght) from (
select distinct

(case when edge1.edge_id < edge2.edge_id then edge1.edge_id else edge2.edge_id end) as lft, (case when edge1.edge_id < edge2.edge_id then edge2.edge_id else edge1.edge_id end) as rght from (

select node_id as nid
from ei_topo.node left join ei_topo.edge_data as foo1 on foo1.start_node = node_id left join ei_topo.edge_data as foo2 on foo2.end_node = node_id where foo1.edge_id != foo2.edge_id group by node_id having count(*) = 1

) as innr

left join ei_topo.edge_data as edge1 on edge1.start_node = innr.nid left join ei_topo.edge_data as edge2 on edge2.end_node = innr.nid group by lft, rght

) as outr where ((select count(*) from ei_topo.edge_data where edge_id = lft) + (select count(*) from ei_topo.edge_data where edge_id = rght)) > 1 limit 1;

$$ language 'sql';

Utility functions

Defined in sql/create-functions.sql:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ExtractOnlyPolygons(geom geometry) RETURNS geometry AS $$

SELECT ST_MakeValid(ST_CollectionExtract(geom, 3))

$$ language 'sql';


SQL statements

To merge topogeometries:

select toTopoGeom(ExtractOnlyPolygons(ST_Union(geometry(topogeom))) from table-name where condition;

Convert existing XML file to geopackage

from lxml import objectify, etree import fastkml import fiona import shapely

def remove_namespace(doc, namespace=u"{}"):

"""Remove namespace in the passed document in place.""" ns = u'{}'.format(namespace) nsl = len(ns) for elem in doc.getiterator():

if elem.tag.startswith(ns):
elem.tag = elem.tag[nsl:]
def xml_to_geopackage(filepath="Geographies.xml"):

xml = objectify.parse(open(filepath)) root = xml.getroot() remove_namespace(root) objectify.deannotate(root, cleanup_namespaces=True)

meta = {

'crs': {'no_defs': True, 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'datum': 'WGS84', 'proj': 'longlat'}, 'driver': 'GPKG', 'schema': {

'geometry': 'MultiPolygon', 'properties': {'name': 'str', 'uuid': 'str', 'code': 'float'}



with fiona.drivers():
with"ecoinvent-geographies.gpkg", "w", **meta) as dest:
for el in root.geography:
parsed = fastkml.kml.KML() parsed.from_string(etree.tostring(getattr(el, "{}kml"), encoding="utf8"))
except AttributeError:

'geometry': shapely.geometry.mapping(parsed.features().next().features().next().geometry), 'properties': {

'name': unicode(, 'uuid': unicode(el.get('id')), 'code': unicode(el.shortname)



Convert excel spreadsheet of names to JSON

from openpyxl import load_workbook import json

wb = load_workbook("eiv3_geographies-names_coordinates_shortcuts_20130904.xlsx") sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name("geographies_0904")

data = []

for row in sheet.rows[1:]:
'name': row[0].value, 'shortname': row[1].value, 'uuid': row[2].value


with open("country-uuid.json", "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2).encode('utf8'))

Show face ids (in QGIS)

select, st_getfacegeometry('ei_topo', as geom from (

select face_id as id from ei_topo.face where mbr && st_geomfromtext('POLYGON((-16 63, 21 63, 21 33, -16 33, -16 63))')

) as g

Add small polygons from provinces to their countries

Function to create union of two polygon topologies:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION PolygonTopoUnion(topo varchar, layer int, topo1 topogeometry, topo2 topogeometry) RETURNS topogeometry as $$

SELECT CreateTopoGeom(topo, 3, layer, TopoElementArray_Agg(t2.element)) as geom from (
select distinct element from (
(select GetTopoGeomElements(topo1) as element) union (select GetTopoGeomElements(topo2) as element)

) as t1 order by t1.element

) as t2

$$ language 'sql' volatile;

Identify missing faces:

select ST_GetFaceGeometry('ei_topo', t1.faces[1]),

row_number() OVER () as rnum -- Need unique id for Qgis from (

(select GetTopoGeomElements(topogeom) as faces from geometries where tname = 'ne_provinces') except (select GetTopoGeomElements(topogeom) as faces from geometries where tname = 'ne_countries')

) as t1

Add missing faces to country:

update geometries gg set topogeom = PolygonTopoUnion('ei_topo', 1, f.p, f.c) from (
select as province_name, p.admin as province_admin, as country_name, c.admin as country_admin, as province_id, as country_id, g.topogeom as p, g2.topogeom as c
from geometries g left join ne_provinces p on g.gid = p.gid left join ne_countries c on c.admin = p.admin left join geometries g2 on g2.gid = c.gid where g.tname = 'ne_provinces' and g2.tname = 'ne_countries' and not topocontains(g2.topogeom, g.topogeom) order by,

) as f where = f.country_id;

However, because of some weird race condition (maybe c.topogeom is not being updated automatically), we use the python script iterative_add_process, which does one at a time until there are no problems left.


This is not perfect - there are still missing parts in the Spratley islands and South Georgia islands, but they don't really matter for now. Hopefully...

Backup SQL data


pg_dump --schema=topology --schema=public --schema=ei_topo --file=output/ei_topo.sql -U ecoinvent eigeo


SET search_path = topology, pg_catalog;

-- -- Data for Name: layer; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: topology; Owner: ecoinvent --

COPY layer (topology_id, layer_id, schema_name, table_name, feature_column, feature_type, level, child_id) FROM stdin; 1 1 public geometries topogeom 3 0 N .

-- -- Data for Name: topology; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: topology; Owner: ecoinvent --

COPY topology (id, name, srid, "precision", hasz) FROM stdin; 1 ei_topo 4326 0 f .


SET search_path = topology, pg_catalog;

-- -- Data for Name: topology; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: topology; Owner: ecoinvent --

COPY topology (id, name, srid, "precision", hasz) FROM stdin; 1 ei_topo 4326 0 f .

-- -- Data for Name: layer; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: topology; Owner: ecoinvent --

COPY layer (topology_id, layer_id, schema_name, table_name, feature_column, feature_type, level, child_id) FROM stdin; 1 1 public geometries topogeom 3 0 N .

Processing for intersected areas

Needed for ecoinvent file that is processed by Guillaume

pandarus output/all.gpkg --field1=name output/all.gpkg --field2=name all.json json
cp all.json.bz2 all2.json.bz2
bunzip2 all2.json.bz2
import json
data = json.load(open("all2.json"))
as_sets = {k:v for k, v in {frozenset(o[:2]): o[2] / 1e6 for o in data}.iteritems()}
len(as_sets), len(data)
as_list = sorted([[sorted(k), v] for k, v in {frozenset(o[:2]): o[2] / 1e6 for o in data}.iteritems()])
with open("intersections.json", "w") as f:
    f.write(json.dumps(as_list, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2).encode('utf8'))

Get all used geometries

..code-block:: python

from brightway2 import * config.p['use_cache'] = False

locations = set()

dbs = [
u'ecoinvent 3.1 default', u'ecoinvent 3.1 cutoff', u'ecoinvent 3.1 consequential'


for name in dbs:
for ds in Database(name).load().values():


Update Natural Earth Data

Download from Last downloaded on 04.08.2022.

Run the following to convert unzipped shapefiles to SQL:

shp2pgsql -s 4326 ne_10m_admin_0_countries/ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp ne_countries > ../../sql/ne_countries.sql shp2pgsql -s 4326 ne_10m_admin_0_sovereignty/ne_10m_admin_0_sovereignty.shp ne_states > ../../sql/ne_states.sql shp2pgsql -s 4326 ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces/ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces.shp ne_provinces > ../../sql/ne_provinces.sql