- Add changes to aluminium regions to docs
- Add RoW and Global to final
- Removed Churchill Falls generating station (shouldn't have been included in the first place)
- Merged IAI regions 6A & B at request of Pascal Lesage (location 957d3a44-9ec2-4829-b5fe-17ba975a45da is therefore deleted)
- Made IAI region names and shortnames more consistent
- "Sint Maarten, Dutch Part" was changed to "Sint Maarten". The French part is "Saint Martin".
- Europe no longer includes parts of Türkiye, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The "European" and "Asian" parts of Russia are now defined by Russian oblast (province).
- The location "Central and Eastern Europe", which was marked as obsolete in 2009 and is not used by any datasets in 3.1, is now removed.
- Import country geometries from natural earth into table "ne_countries"
- Import province geometries from natural earth into table "ne_provinces"
- Import sovereign state geometries from natural earth into table "ne_states"
- Create "ei_topo" topology
- Import cutout shapes from geopackage into table "cutouts"
- Edit cutout shapes to fit into existing borders
- Create topologies from all four tables in new table "geometries"
- Write ecoinvent geographies into new table "final" (translate topology to geometry, edit field names)
- Add metadata from JSON config scripts and Natural Earth tables
- Export geopackage using ogr2ogr
- ISOTwoLetterCode
- UNCode
- longitude
- ISOThreeLetterCode: su_a3
- UNSubregionCode
- latitude
- UNRegionCode
- uuid
- shortname:
- name (multiple languages): name
Each recipe has the following format:
- [
name, collection, {
geometry tablename: [list of constituent names]}
This generic recipe would generate the following SQL:
- INSERT INTO final (name, collection, geom)
select name, collection, ST_Union(geometry(t1.topogeom)) FROM (
SELECT topogeom FROM geometries g where g.tname = geometry tablename and g.name in (list of constituent names)) as t1;
If there are two tablenames, the recipe would be:
- [
name, collection, {
tablename one: [list one], tablename two: [list two]}
And the SQL:
- INSERT INTO final (name, collection, geom)
select name, collection, ST_Union(geometry(t1.topogeom)) FROM (
SELECT topogeom FROM geometries g where g.tname = tablename one and g.name in (list one) UNION select topogeom FROM geometries g where g.tname = tablename two and g.name in (list two)) as t1;
One special case is for provinces, where we need to also include the country:
- [
"Northeast Power Coordinating Council", "americas-electricity", {
- "ne_provinces": [
- "Canada", ["Québec", ...]], "United States", ["New York", ...]]
Note the syntax change: ne_provinces
is now a list, with steps of country, [list of provinces]
In this case, the SQL would also include filtering by parent:
- INSERT INTO final (name, collection, geom)
SELECT 'Northeast Power Coordinating Council', 'americas-electricity', ST_Union(geometry(t1.topogeom)) FROM (
SELECT topogeom FROM geometries g where g.tname = 'ne_provinces' AND g.parent = 'Canada' and g.name IN ('Québec', ...) UNION SELECT topogeom FROM geometries g where g.tname = 'ne_provinces' AND g.parent = 'United States' and g.name IN ('New York', ...)) as t1;
Shell script is create-db.sh
It assumes the following:
You have python installed on your machine
You have Postgresql and PostGIS installed on your machine
You have a Postgresql user named "ecoinvent" who can create tables. You can create users with the following command in the shell:
sudo -u postgres createuser -s ecoinvent
Shell script takes a few hours to run.
- argparse
- babel
- fastkml
- lxml
- sphinx
- unicodecsv
- progressbar33
http://postgis.net/docs/Topology.html http://strk.keybit.net/blog/tag/topology/
Set up database:
CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
Create topology:
SELECT CreateTopology('ne_topo', 4326);
We now have a topology called ne_topo
If this doesn't work:
- Try adding postigs_topolgy again (!?)
- Make sure topology is in "select postgis_full_version();"
- Make sure topology is in "SHOW search_path;"
- Refresh database connection in pgadmin.
Convert to SQL:
shp2pgsql -s 4326 ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp ne_geometry > ne.sql
See also : http://www.bostongis.com/pgsql2shp_shp2pgsql_quickguide.bqg
Import into database:
psql -d natural-earth -U cmutel -f ne.sql
- Check in qgis
Add topo column:
SELECT AddTopoGeometryColumn('ne_topo', 'public', 'ne_geometry', 'topogeom', 'MULTIPOLYGON');
Parameters are:
- topo name
- schema
- table
- column
- feature type
See also: http://www.postgis.org/documentation/manual-svn/AddTopoGeometryColumn.html
Turn existing geometries into topo geometries:
UPDATE ne_geometry SET topogeom = toTopoGeom(geom, 'ne_topo', 1, 0.000001);
Takes ~ 5 minutes.
See also: http://postgis.net/docs/toTopoGeom.html
Load the following tables:
- ne_topo.edge_data
- ne_topo.node
Note: We don't use simplification for now.
- SELECT 1 as id, st_simplify(geom, 0.001) as geom FROM ne_topo.edge where edge_id = 3827
- SELECT 1 as id, st_simplify(geom, 0.01) as geom FROM ne_topo.edge where edge_id = 3827
- SELECT 1 as id, st_simplify(geom, 0.1) as geom FROM ne_topo.edge where edge_id = 3827
- SELECT 1 as id, st_simplify(geom, 1.0) as geom FROM ne_topo.edge where edge_id = 3827
0.01 seems like the best for now.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION SimplifyEdgeGeom(atopo varchar, anedge int, maxtolerance float8) RETURNS float8 AS $$ DECLARE
tol float8; sql varchar;
tol := maxtolerance; LOOP
- sql := 'SELECT topology.ST_ChangeEdgeGeom(' || quote_literal(atopo) || ', ' || anedge
- || ', ST_Simplify(geom, ' || tol || ')) FROM ' || quote_ident(atopo) || '.edge WHERE edge_id = ' || anedge;
- RAISE DEBUG 'Running %', sql; EXECUTE sql; RETURN tol;
- RAISE WARNING 'Simplification of edge % with tolerance % failed: %', anedge, tol, SQLERRM; tol := round( (tol/2.0) * 1e8 ) / 1e8; -- round to get to zero quicker IF tol = 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '%', SQLERRM; END IF;
select SimplifyEdgeGeom("ne_topo", edge_id, 0.01) from ne_topo.edge_data;
Defined in sql/create-functions.sql, and run in python/eliminate_nodes.py:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION EliminateNonBranchingNodes() RETURNS int AS $$
- select ST_ModEdgeHeal('ei_topo', outr.lft, outr.rght) from (
- select distinct
(case when edge1.edge_id < edge2.edge_id then edge1.edge_id else edge2.edge_id end) as lft, (case when edge1.edge_id < edge2.edge_id then edge2.edge_id else edge1.edge_id end) as rght from (
- select node_id as nid
- from ei_topo.node left join ei_topo.edge_data as foo1 on foo1.start_node = node_id left join ei_topo.edge_data as foo2 on foo2.end_node = node_id where foo1.edge_id != foo2.edge_id group by node_id having count(*) = 1
) as innr
left join ei_topo.edge_data as edge1 on edge1.start_node = innr.nid left join ei_topo.edge_data as edge2 on edge2.end_node = innr.nid group by lft, rght
) as outr where ((select count(*) from ei_topo.edge_data where edge_id = lft) + (select count(*) from ei_topo.edge_data where edge_id = rght)) > 1 limit 1;
$$ language 'sql';
Defined in sql/create-functions.sql:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ExtractOnlyPolygons(geom geometry) RETURNS geometry AS $$
SELECT ST_MakeValid(ST_CollectionExtract(geom, 3))
$$ language 'sql';
To merge topogeometries:
select toTopoGeom(ExtractOnlyPolygons(ST_Union(geometry(topogeom))) from table-name where condition;
from lxml import objectify, etree import fastkml import fiona import shapely
- def remove_namespace(doc, namespace=u"{http://www.EcoInvent.org/EcoSpold02}"):
"""Remove namespace in the passed document in place.""" ns = u'{}'.format(namespace) nsl = len(ns) for elem in doc.getiterator():
- if elem.tag.startswith(ns):
- elem.tag = elem.tag[nsl:]
- def xml_to_geopackage(filepath="Geographies.xml"):
xml = objectify.parse(open(filepath)) root = xml.getroot() remove_namespace(root) objectify.deannotate(root, cleanup_namespaces=True)
- meta = {
'crs': {'no_defs': True, 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'datum': 'WGS84', 'proj': 'longlat'}, 'driver': 'GPKG', 'schema': {
'geometry': 'MultiPolygon', 'properties': {'name': 'str', 'uuid': 'str', 'code': 'float'}
- with fiona.drivers():
- with fiona.open("ecoinvent-geographies.gpkg", "w", **meta) as dest:
- for el in root.geography:
- try:
- parsed = fastkml.kml.KML() parsed.from_string(etree.tostring(getattr(el, "{http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2}kml"), encoding="utf8"))
- except AttributeError:
- continue
- dest.write({
'geometry': shapely.geometry.mapping(parsed.features().next().features().next().geometry), 'properties': {
'name': unicode(el.name), 'uuid': unicode(el.get('id')), 'code': unicode(el.shortname)
from openpyxl import load_workbook import json
wb = load_workbook("eiv3_geographies-names_coordinates_shortcuts_20130904.xlsx") sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name("geographies_0904")
data = []
- for row in sheet.rows[1:]:
- data.append({
- 'name': row[0].value, 'shortname': row[1].value, 'uuid': row[2].value
- with open("country-uuid.json", "w") as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2).encode('utf8'))
select g.id, st_getfacegeometry('ei_topo', g.id) as geom from (
select face_id as id from ei_topo.face where mbr && st_geomfromtext('POLYGON((-16 63, 21 63, 21 33, -16 33, -16 63))')) as g
Function to create union of two polygon topologies:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION PolygonTopoUnion(topo varchar, layer int, topo1 topogeometry, topo2 topogeometry) RETURNS topogeometry as $$
- SELECT CreateTopoGeom(topo, 3, layer, TopoElementArray_Agg(t2.element)) as geom from (
- select distinct element from (
- (select GetTopoGeomElements(topo1) as element) union (select GetTopoGeomElements(topo2) as element)
) as t1 order by t1.element
) as t2
$$ language 'sql' volatile;
Identify missing faces:
- select ST_GetFaceGeometry('ei_topo', t1.faces[1]),
row_number() OVER () as rnum -- Need unique id for Qgis from (
(select GetTopoGeomElements(topogeom) as faces from geometries where tname = 'ne_provinces') except (select GetTopoGeomElements(topogeom) as faces from geometries where tname = 'ne_countries')) as t1
Add missing faces to country:
- update geometries gg set topogeom = PolygonTopoUnion('ei_topo', 1, f.p, f.c) from (
- select p.name as province_name, p.admin as province_admin, c.name as country_name, c.admin as country_admin, g.id as province_id, g2.id as country_id, g.topogeom as p, g2.topogeom as c
- from geometries g left join ne_provinces p on g.gid = p.gid left join ne_countries c on c.admin = p.admin left join geometries g2 on g2.gid = c.gid where g.tname = 'ne_provinces' and g2.tname = 'ne_countries' and not topocontains(g2.topogeom, g.topogeom) order by g.name, g2.name
) as f where gg.id = f.country_id;
However, because of some weird race condition (maybe c.topogeom is not being updated automatically), we use the python script iterative_add_process, which does one at a time until there are no problems left.
This is not perfect - there are still missing parts in the Spratley islands and South Georgia islands, but they don't really matter for now. Hopefully...
See: http://mattmakesmaps.com/blog/2014/01/15/using-pg-dump-with-postgis-topology/#.VCNBTQBjre0.twitter
pg_dump --schema=topology --schema=public --schema=ei_topo --file=output/ei_topo.sql -U ecoinvent eigeo
SET search_path = topology, pg_catalog;
-- -- Data for Name: layer; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: topology; Owner: ecoinvent --
COPY layer (topology_id, layer_id, schema_name, table_name, feature_column, feature_type, level, child_id) FROM stdin; 1 1 public geometries topogeom 3 0 N .
-- -- Data for Name: topology; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: topology; Owner: ecoinvent --
COPY topology (id, name, srid, "precision", hasz) FROM stdin; 1 ei_topo 4326 0 f .
SET search_path = topology, pg_catalog;
-- -- Data for Name: topology; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: topology; Owner: ecoinvent --
COPY topology (id, name, srid, "precision", hasz) FROM stdin; 1 ei_topo 4326 0 f .
-- -- Data for Name: layer; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: topology; Owner: ecoinvent --
COPY layer (topology_id, layer_id, schema_name, table_name, feature_column, feature_type, level, child_id) FROM stdin; 1 1 public geometries topogeom 3 0 N .
Needed for ecoinvent file that is processed by Guillaume
pandarus output/all.gpkg --field1=name output/all.gpkg --field2=name all.json json
cp all.json.bz2 all2.json.bz2
bunzip2 all2.json.bz2
import json
data = json.load(open("all2.json"))
as_sets = {k:v for k, v in {frozenset(o[:2]): o[2] / 1e6 for o in data}.iteritems()}
len(as_sets), len(data)
as_list = sorted([[sorted(k), v] for k, v in {frozenset(o[:2]): o[2] / 1e6 for o in data}.iteritems()])
with open("intersections.json", "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(as_list, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2).encode('utf8'))
..code-block:: python
from brightway2 import * config.p['use_cache'] = False
locations = set()
- dbs = [
- u'ecoinvent 3.1 default', u'ecoinvent 3.1 cutoff', u'ecoinvent 3.1 consequential'
- for name in dbs:
- for ds in Database(name).load().values():
- locations.add(ds['location'])
Download from https://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/10m-cultural-vectors/. Last downloaded on 04.08.2022.
Run the following to convert unzipped shapefiles to SQL:
shp2pgsql -s 4326 ne_10m_admin_0_countries/ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp ne_countries > ../../sql/ne_countries.sql shp2pgsql -s 4326 ne_10m_admin_0_sovereignty/ne_10m_admin_0_sovereignty.shp ne_states > ../../sql/ne_states.sql shp2pgsql -s 4326 ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces/ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces.shp ne_provinces > ../../sql/ne_provinces.sql