- SA_HOME is the base installation directory
- Modify paths in SA_HOME/bin/sa_setup.csh to installation directory
- Run the following command to set up the SA environment:
source sa_setup.csh
- SA_HOME/bin/32bits and sample vector script files are in SA_HOME/scripts.
- Users normally do not need to recompile the Vector Tools as they are statically compiled.
- The Raster Tools may need to be re-compiled as they are not statically built.
- Download Input/Reference data for the SA installation from the CMAS Center
- This archive contains the full set of North American BELD3 and BELD4 landuse data
- North American data for creating a CMAQ Ocean file are contained in this data archive
- Sample land use and satellite data will be stored in SA_HOME/data/sat
- See Raster Tools Documentation for details on where to obtain data for these tools.
- Sample shapefiles are located in SA_HOME/data/shapefiles
- Sample Raster Tools running script files in SA_HOME/raster_scripts:
- NLCD_MODIS_processor.csh - generate WRF grid NLCD and MODIS landuse data.
- allocateGOES2WRFGrids.csh -- GOES data processing tool.
- allocateMODISL2CloudVars2Grids.csh -- MODIS L2 cloud and aerosol product processing tool.
- allocateOMIL2vars2Grids.csh - OMI L2 aerosol and NO2 product processing tool.
- allocateOMIvar2Grids.csh - OMI L2G and L3 aerosol and NO3 processing tool.
- The tool is also may also be used process MODIS L3 products (not tested well) from NASA MODIS web site.
- landuseTool_WRFCMAQ_BELD4.csh - generate BELD4 data from 2001 or 2006 NLCD/MODIS and crop tables.
- Processed crop and tree tables and shapefiles are stored in the SA_HOME/data directory.
Spatial Allocator User Manual (c) 2016