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A Constitution for dvcoders

Name of Organization

The name of this organization shall be dvcoders (changed from Bits & Bytes). The pronunciation will be dee-vee-coders /di vi ˈkoʊdərz/. The only acceptable casing will be all lowercase.

Purpose of Organization

  • Develop individual capacity to learn and implement new Computer Science concepts
  • To expose students to tools (APIs, frameworks, Systems, etc) that are common in software development.
  • Expose members to team based project collaboration for software development.


Membership is limited to current Diablo Valley College students only.

Members will not discriminate regardless of race, religion, gender, national origin, size, weight, height, eye color, physical limitation, sexual orientation, social standings, financial/economic standings, operating system preference (desktop, mobile, etc), hardware, power adapter size, keyboard layout, web browser, text editors, Integrated Development Environment, development tools, genes, or any information that could be gleaned by genetic analysis.

Violating any of the membership sections will result in dismissal from dvcoders. Depending on severity may be reported to Dean of Student life.

Qualifications and Expectations of Members

Members must have at least a cumulative 2.0 GPA. Must be enrolled in 5 units. Be in good standing with DVC.

Commitment to learning, with openness to new paradigm(s) on programming and Computer Science.

Qualifications of Officers

Officers must have at least a cumulative 2.0 GPA. Must be enrolled in 5 units. Be in good standing with DVC.

All prospective officers are required to have participated one full semester before to be considered for an officer's position. Attendance should be greater than 90%.


Club elections will be held the meeting of the fourth week before the start of finals. This process will occur for every semester the club is active. At the time of elections all paperwork will be filled out for club renewal.

Candidates for next semester will be offered positions from the current officers. If a member declines the officer's role, the kernel can approach as many members as necessary to fill the role with people they believe will be effective officers.

If the kernel cannot find a willing member to fill a role(s) which they have been selected for. General members will be able to democratically elect a member. A member must be first nominated by his/her peers then seconded by another member before they become a candidate for the election. A member cannot nominate or second his/her-self for an officer's role. There is no limit for how many members can be nominated. After candidates have been selected, there will be a general election by a raising of hands. Each member can only vote once.

Duties of the Officers

Position Duties
main - President
  • Preside over all meetings (general and kernel).
  • Carry out and enforce the provisions of the Constitution. Oversee all core activities.
  • Represent the organization on public occasions.
CTO - Vice President
  • Assume the duties of main in his/her absence.
  • Act as publicity chair (membership, etc.)
  • Perform any duties delegated to her/him by the main.
  • Research, draft, and propose new programming language and technologies for the club to explore.
DOM - Secretary
  • Keep accurate minutes of all meetings (kernel and general).
  • Responsible for correspondence.
  • Make agendas and minutes for all meetings accessible.
float - Treasurer
  • Administer funds and finances for club.
  • Keep financial records of activities and events.
  • Pay bills and release funds as voted by members.
  • Make financial reports when called upon to do so.
  • Work with Club Advisor to insure that funds are properly collected, deposited, and accounted.
  • Administrate github (users, permissions, repositories).
  • Have a full working knowledge of git and github.
  • Manage code repositories on git and github.Code conventions / code review (best practices) protocol.
  • Have high availability to respond to Pull requests and other git/github workflow questions.
Inter-Club Council Representative
  • Attend all ICC meetings.
  • Vote on behalf of the club being represented.
  • Report the results of ICC meetings to the club.
Public Relations
  • Advocate for dvcoders to classes Have working understanding of club procedures
  • Introduce new members to tools that dvcoders is using
  • Provide general overview of current projects
dvcoder Fellow
  • After significant contribution to dvcoders either in one of the above officer roles or as a general member.
  • They will have the option to become a fellow.
  • Kernel meeting and discussion will be open to fellows.
kernel - Executive Council
  • Formulate policy of the club between regular meetings and, in case of emergencies, subject to approval of the general membership.
  • To execute policies determined by the general membership.
  • To govern the activities of the club. To prepare agendas for general meetings.
Science Alliance Senator
  • Attend all Science Alliance meetings.
  • Vote on behalf of the club being represented.
  • Report the results of Science Alliance meetings to the club.

Impeachment of an Officer

A club officer may be impeached under any or all of the following conditions:

  • Consistently unable to complete officer duties effectively or in a timely manner.
    • Work needed for club success is being bottlenecked by one officer.
  • Unwelcoming or offensive to any member(s).
    • Insulting or bias towards any gender, race, ethnicity, etc. (as mentioned above).
  • Inadequate knowledge for officer position or underwhelming improvement in knowledge since election.
    • Ex. Maintainer unfamiliar with Git, 2 months later, still unfamiliar.
  • Other immediate issues deemed important by the kernel.

An impeachment may be initiated by any kernel member or general member. Once an impeachment is in place, a fifty-percent vote by general members is required to complete the impeachment.

Open Source and Amendments

The dvcoders constitution will be made open source under the Creative Commons License for all club members. Access to the constitution will be made available to club members via an open source platform (Github currently) at all times.

Any club member wishing to contribute to the constitution may do by forking the repository, making changes, then submitting a pull request on Github with appropriate labels.

The proposed changes will be brought up in the next club meeting as an agenda item by the main. Club members may review the pull request, make comments, and followup changes. Once kernel and members reach a consensus, the proposed changes will be merged.


Club President’s Signature: ________________________________________________________

Club Advisor’s Signature: __________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________