You can run commands in PRs by triggering it via comment. It will use the context of your PR and post the results back.
Note: it works only for members of the paritytech
/cmd --help
to see all available commands and usage format
/cmd <command> --help
to see the usage of a specific command
/cmd fmt
to format the code in the PR. It commits back with the formatted code (fmt) and configs (taplo). -
/cmd bench
to generate weights for a runtime. Read more about Weight Generation
to suppress the output of the command in the comments.
By default, the Start and End/Failure of the command will be commented with the link to a pipeline.
If you want to avoid, use this flag. Go to
Action Tab to see the pipeline status.
to continue running the command even if something inside a command
(like specific pallet weight generation) are failed.
Basically avoids interruption in the middle with exit 1
The pipeline logs will include what is failed (like which runtimes/pallets), then you can re-run them separately or not.
to clean up all yours and bot's comments in PR relevant to /cmd
commands. If you run too many commands,
or they keep failing, and you're rerunning them again, it's handy to add this flag to keep a PR clean.
Feel free to add new commands to the workflow, however note that triggered workflows will use the actions
from main
(default) branch, meaning they will take effect only after the PR with new changes/command is merged.
If you want to test the new command, it's better to test in your fork and local-to-fork PRs, where you control
the default branch.
The regex in cmd.yml is: ^(\/cmd )([-\/\s\w.=:]+)$
accepts only alphanumeric, space, "-", "/", "=", ":", "." chars.
/cmd bench --runtime bridge-hub-westend --pallet=pallet_name
/cmd update-ui --clean