Title: Irreversibility in early mammalian embryonic stem cells.
Date: August 23, 2021.
Author: Guillermo Prol Castelo
Supervisors: MSc. Gabriel Torregrosa Cortés (DCEXS-UPF), and Prof. Dr. Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo (DCEXS-UPF).
Affiliation: Dynamical Systems Biology lab, DCEXS, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain).
Master's Thesis in Multidisciplinary Research in Experimental Sciences. Center: Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, affiliated to Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain)
In this repository you may find all the codes needed to reproduce the master's thesis of Guillermo Prol Castelo. There are four notebooks, which are executable and customizable. Besides, the HTML files contain all the codes in the respective notebook and the results. Each notebook is self-contained, with explanations on how to use the codes and what they mean. All the functions and data (within their respective folder) are also explained in the notebooks, as they are needed.
All of these codes were written in the Julia programming language, version 1.6.1.
You may contact the author in case of doubts/suggestions: gprolcast@gmail.com.