This will not be developed any further, this was an hackweek attempt to get familar with electron, I took several wrong turns during this. I will remodel it at some point and reimplement it at some point (next hackweek maybe).
Mapinator is (probably going to be) a handy tool for the gamemaster hosting pen and paper sessions (like D&D, Deadlands or Shadowrun). The idea is that you have the map tinted on the gamemasters laptop and a map on a second screen (preferably embedded into the table) where only parts of the map is revealed to the players (aka fog of war).
Note: at the moment this is a very early stage and WIP so do not expect to much from it.
You need a current version of nodeJS installed. I am developing with 10.16.0.
So far there is now stable release of the Mapinator. If you want to try it nethertheless you can run it using the following steps:
Check out the code
$> git clone
traverse into the directory
$> cd mapinator
install dependencies
$> npm install
run mapinator
$> npm start
- loading maps from images and displaying them on both screens simultaniously
- zooming (controlled from gamemaster screen)
- scrolling map on players screen from gamemaster screen
- switching between different loaded maps (partly working, buggy atm)
- unloading maps
- rotate maps
- make zoom and scrollposition persistant during the session
- fog of war (tinted on the gamemaster screen, opaque on the players screen)
- storing and loading sessions.
- (nice to have) ability to place markers (for entities, players, npc, etc.) on the map.
- customizable (hex-)grid
- stable release for windows, linux and (maybe) OSX
Note: The view in the game masters window is intentionally scaled down by 50%, this is not a bug.