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Capacitor plugin to handle media files

Install (Capacitor 6.x)

npm install @whiteguru/capacitor-plugin-media
npx cap sync

or for Capacitor 5.x

npm install @whiteguru/capacitor-plugin-media@^5.0.2
npx cap sync

or for Capacitor 4.x

npm install @whiteguru/capacitor-plugin-media@^4.1.1
npx cap sync

or for Capacitor 3.x

npm install @whiteguru/capacitor-plugin-media@^3.0.1
npx cap sync


This API requires the following permissions be added to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO" />

Read about Setting Permissions in the Android Guide for more information on setting Android permissions.



getMedias(options?: MediaFetchOptions | undefined) => Promise<MediasResponse>

Get list of user medias. IOS only

Param Type
options MediaFetchOptions

Returns: Promise<MediasResponse>


getAlbums() => Promise<MediaAlbumResponse>

Get list of user albums. IOS and Android Api 29+

Returns: Promise<MediaAlbumResponse>


savePhoto(options?: MediaSaveOptions | undefined) => Promise<MediaResponse>

Add image to gallery. Creates album if not exists.

Param Type
options MediaSaveOptions

Returns: Promise<MediaResponse>


saveVideo(options?: MediaSaveOptions | undefined) => Promise<MediaResponse>

Add video to gallery. Creates album if not exists.

Param Type
options MediaSaveOptions

Returns: Promise<MediaResponse>


saveGif(options?: MediaSaveOptions | undefined) => Promise<MediaResponse>

Add gif to gallery. Creates album if not exists.

Param Type
options MediaSaveOptions

Returns: Promise<MediaResponse>


saveDocument(options?: MediaSaveOptions | undefined) => Promise<MediaResponse>

Add document to gallery. Android only. Create album if not exists.

Param Type
options MediaSaveOptions

Returns: Promise<MediaResponse>


saveAudio(options?: MediaSaveOptions | undefined) => Promise<MediaResponse>

Add audio to gallery. Android only. Creates album if not exists.

Param Type
options MediaSaveOptions

Returns: Promise<MediaResponse>


createAlbum(options: MediaAlbumCreate) => Promise<MediaAlbum>

Create album. IOS only

Param Type
options MediaAlbumCreate

Returns: Promise<MediaAlbum>



Prop Type
medias MediaAsset[]


Prop Type Description
identifier string Platform-specific identifier
data string Data for a photo asset as a base64 encoded string (JPEG only supported)
creationDate string ISO date string for creation date of asset
fullWidth number Full width of original asset
fullHeight number Full height of original asset
thumbnailWidth number Width of thumbnail preview
thumbnailHeight number Height of thumbnail preview
location MediaLocation Location metadata for the asset


Prop Type Description
latitude number GPS latitude image was taken at
longitude number GPS longitude image was taken at
heading number Heading of user at time image was taken
altitude number Altitude of user at time image was taken
speed number Speed of user at time image was taken


Prop Type Description
quantity number The number of photos to fetch, sorted by last created date descending
thumbnailWidth number The width of thumbnail to return
thumbnailHeight number The height of thumbnail to return
thumbnailQuality number The quality of thumbnail to return as JPEG (0-100)
types string Which types of assets to return (currently only supports "photos")
albumIdentifier string Which album identifier to query in (get identifier with getAlbums())


Prop Type Description
albums MediaAlbum[] Array of MediaAlbum


Prop Type Description
identifier string Platform-specific album identifier
name string Album name
type MediaAlbumType Album type


Prop Type Description
path string Media path
name string Media name


Prop Type Description
path string Path of file to add
album { id?: string; name?: string; } Album to add media. If no 'id' and 'name' not exists, album 'name' will be created.


Prop Type Description
name string Album name



Members Value Description
Smart 'smart' Album is a "smart" album (such as Favorites or Recently Added)
Shared 'shared' Album is a cloud-shared album
User 'user' Album is a user-created album