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Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Danny Petschke ( All rights reserved.
DDRS4PALS - A software for the acquisition and simulation of positron lifetime spectra (PALS) using the DRS4 evaluation board
pyRemoteDDRS4PALS: DDRS4PALS can be remotely controlled via pyRemoteDDRS4PALS provided by a TCP/IP and xml based API enabling the integration of the DRS4 evaluation board into any customized measurement environment related to PALS, i.e. synchronizing peripherical instrumentation such as temperature (heating/cooling) stages, cycle-loading machines or a vacuum control unit with the DRS4 evaluation board using DDRS4PALS software. Therefore, DDRS4PALS has integrated a server to communicate with.
- Download the latest installer (installer_DDRS4PALS-v1.18.exe):
- Run the installer.
- Windows 10|11: install the Zadig USB driver:
- Plug in the DRS4 evaluation board and run the Zadig program.
- Select the DRS4 evaluation board from the list of devices and click on "Install Driver".
- Run the DDRS4PALS executable.
The repository of the DDRS4PALS-installer can be found here.
- Download the latest software release (DDRS4PALS_v118.rar):
- Unzip DDRS4PALS_v118.rar.
- Download and install the Visual C++ Redistributable Package (x64) if requested by the OS:
- Windows 10|11: install the Zadig USB driver:
- Plug in the DRS4 evaluation board and run the Zadig program.
- Select the DRS4 evaluation board from the list of devices and click on "Install Driver".
- Run the DDRS4PALS executable.
Experimentally obtained and simulated Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectra (PALS) acquired on pure Tin (4N) using DDRS4PALS software were published in the following Data in Brief (Elsevier) article.
- When running this software for your research purposes you should at least cite the following publication.
- Additionally, you must cite the applied version of this software in your study.
You can cite all released software versions by using the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1219522. This DOI represents all versions, and will always resolve to the latest one.
DDRS4PALS v1.18 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.4):
This version 1.18 has integrated the new version 1.4 of DLTPulseGenerator library for simulation purposes. This update enables you to incorporate pulse height spectra (PHS) from real data or generated via Geant4, so that effects on the background contributing to the lifetime spectra with regard to the PHS window settings can be studied more realistically.
For more information, see the attached example files demonstrating the integration of a real BC422-Q plastic scintillator PHS spectrum considered as simulation input. The related section/tag in the simulation input file is: tag 'pulse-height-spectrum-PHS'.
DDRS4PALS v1.17 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.3):
This version 1.17 can be remotely controlled via pyRemoteDDRS4PALS enabling the integration of the DRS4 evaluation board into any customized measurement environment related to PALS, i.e. synchronizing peripherical instrumentation such as temperature (heating/cooling) stages, cycle-loading machines or a vacuum control unit with the DRS4 evaluation board using DDRS4PALS software.
This version is compatible with pyRemoteDDRS4PALS v1.0
DDRS4PALS v1.16 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.3):
Please, upgrade to v1.16 since v.1.15 is skipping the pulse-shape filter data section during loading from a settings file.
DDRS4PALS v1.15 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.3):
Since this release (v1.15), DDRS4PALS has implemented a freely configurable HTTP server enabling access to all measurement related relevant data and settings via browser, i.e. url requests.
DDRS4PALS v1.14 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.3):
DDRS4PALS v1.13 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.3):
DDRS4PALS v1.12 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.3):
DDRS4PALS v1.11 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.3):
DDRS4PALS v1.10 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.3):
This release (v1.10) contains the analysis tool DQuickLTFit v4.1, which enables lifetime spectra to be directly opened and analysed from DDRS4PALS software. Moreover, lifetime spectra can be directly exported as (*.dquicklt) file providing an easy and convenient way for spectra analysis.
DDRS4PALS v1.09 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.3):
DDRS4PALS v1.08 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.3):
DDRS4PALS v1.07 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.2):
DDRS4PALS v1.06 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.2):
DDRS4PALS v1.05 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.2):
DDRS4PALS v1.04 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.2):
DDRS4PALS v1.03 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.1):
DDRS4PALS v1.02 (DLTPulseGenerator v1.1):
Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Danny Petschke ( All rights reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
For more details see GNU General Public License v3
DDRS4PALS is written in C++ using the Qt-Framework licensed under the GNU General Public License v3
The following 3rd party libraries are used by DDRS4PALS software.
- ALGLIB: A cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library
License: GNU General Public License v2 or above
- DLTPulseGenerator: A library for the simulation of lifetime spectra based on detector-output pulses
License: BSD-3-Clause
- Paul Scherrer Institut - PSI
These files containing documentation, drivers, applications, C/C++ source code and the FPGA firmware in VHDL and compiled bit files.
Note: Some files containing source code which is part of MIDAS XML Library
License: GNU General Public License v3
- Download the QtCreator and the Qt-framework (at least v5.x).
- Download and Setup the MS Visual Studio compiler (at least version 2013). It should also work with any other compiler e.g. MinGW but I recommend using VS compiler.
- Open the .pro file in QtCreator.
- Deploy DDRS4PALS. It should finish without any errors.
- Connect your DRS4-EB (if available) and start the simulation or acquisition mode.
- Finished.