In this repository, we implement several deep neural networks for the Omniglot challenge.
The required environments are as follows.
- torch-1.11.0
- torchinfo-1.7.1
- scikit-learn-1.2.0
- Pillow-8.4.0
The structure of our project is as follows.
- codes: contain all the codes.
- the entrance of our project.
- define the class to train the model.
- define all the models.
- load the data for training and evaluations.
- config.yaml: store the configurations for model training.
- omniglot_resized: contain the data.
- output: the path to save models and evaluation results.
- report.pdf: a brief report of details of our implementations, experimental results and analysis.
To run our codes, change to the codes directory and use the following command
python --config = config.yaml