This code uses a Carrier WIFI-enabled thermostat and a set of WirelessTag temperature/humidity monitors to produce a data log of home temp/hum/AC status over time. Plots like these, showing AC settings and active cool/heat times, can be produced on request for any interval in the database: runs every 10 minutes using a CRON job, scraping house AC, temperature, and humidity data and appending it to homedata.log.
Example cron for 10 minute intervals:
# m h dom mon dow command */10 * * * * /home/pugsley/anaconda3/bin/python /home/pugsley/ >> /home/pugsley/hdl.log
The data source for AC info is the upstairs MyInfinity thermostat, set to use a local Infinitude server as a proxy. Infinitude ( grabs a copy of the data on the way through to the manufacturer's site, allowing normal control with WiFi apps. The data can be viewed and/or scraped from the Infinitude server, running locally at .
The data source for temperature and humidity is a suite of WirelessTag ( ) temp/humidity tags; two tag managers are used to provide data from 8 locations, and the site API is used to retrieve the most recent data.
Timestamped lines are saved into homedata.log... plotting is done by, which takes a number of hours as a parameter. The entire homedata.log file is read and parsed, and a matplotlib plot of data for the requested number of hours back from the present is displayed.
Recent change, attempting to serve the results to wifi devices in the house... added a call to to the end of, so every time new data is saved a new pair of JPG plot files will be generated. These plot files can then be viewed using a dead simple HTTP server from anything inside the house firewall. Various versions of the HTTP server are being tried.
NEXT STEPS: Once a server is configured to run at boot time, additional device-specific (small screen) versions of the plot can be added, also perhaps a "what the F*&% is the AC on for" status plot. The file name will select the type of plot, no server smarts or HTML programming will be required.