This project provides a Python script that listens to the status of an OpenVPN server and extracts information about those logged in. The script continuously reads the OpenVPN status file and updates a JSON file with details about the connected clients.
- Monitors the OpenVPN status file for changes.
- Extracts information about connected clients from the status file.
- Stores client information in a JSON file for easy access.
- Can be configured to run as a background service using systemd.
- Python 3.x
- OpenVPN server with status file enabled
- Systemd (if running as a service)
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd openvpn_user_monitoring
Make the script executable
chmod u+x main
Run the script indicating the destination path of the data obtained from the OpenVPN status file
By default, the script monitors the file
, but you can change the path using the-f
argument More excutation information, excute--help
in the script -
Optionally, configure the script to run as a systemd service:
add script to local libs:
sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/openvpn-status-monitor sudo cp main /usr/lib/openvpn-status-monitor/main
create a symblink:
ln -s /usr/lib/openvpn-status-monitor/main /usr/local/bin/openvpn-status-monitor
Create a service in /etc/systemd/system, For example:
Enter the code:
[Unit] Description=OpenVPN Status Monitor [Service] ExecStart=openvpn-status-monitor -o /home/$USER/ovpn-user.log Restart=always [Install]
root@vm:/home/my-user# cat /var/log/openvpn/openvpn-status.log
TIME,2024-02-17 03:28:15,1708140495
HEADER,CLIENT_LIST,Common Name,Real Address,Virtual Address,Virtual IPv6 Address,Bytes Received,Bytes Sent,Connected Since,Connected Since (time_t),Username,Client ID,Peer ID,Data Channel Cipher
CLIENT_LIST,polatto,x.x.x.x:40095,,,9725100,12947775,2024-02-17 03:06:58,1708139218,UNDEF,1,0,AES-256-GCM
HEADER,ROUTING_TABLE,Virtual Address,Common Name,Real Address,Last Ref,Last Ref (time_t)
ROUTING_TABLE,,polatto,x.x.x.x:40095,2024-02-17 03:28:14,1708140494
GLOBAL_STATS,Max bcast/mcast queue length,1
root@vm:/home/my-user# cat result.json
{"user": "polatto","public_ip": "x.x.x.x","private_ip": "","bytes_received": 4288124,"bytes_sent": 4133411,"Connected_since": "2024-02-17 03:06:58"}
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues or pull requests.