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Name Comment
Convert string to int i, _ := strconv.ParseInt(“12345”, 10, 64)
Convert string to int i, err := strconv.Atoi(“-42”)
Convert string to list L := strings.Split(“hi,golang”, “”)
Convert string to []byte []byte("abcXX")
Convert string to byte byte(str1[])
Convert byte to string string(byte('a'))=
Convert string to float32 f, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(“3.1415”, 32)
Convert int to float32 0.5*float32(age)+7>= float32(age2)
Convert int to string s := strconv.Itoa(-42). Notice: not string(-42)
Convert rune to string string(rune1)
Convert string list to string strings.Join(list, ", ")
Convert int list to string fmt.Sprintf("%s", l)
Convert list to byte byteI := byte(65)
Convert byte to int int(byte('a'))
Convert byte to string string(byte('a'))
Convert bytes to string string([]byte("abcXX"))
Convert int32 to int32 Pointer func int32Ptr(i int32) *int32 { return &i }
Convert string[] to string strings.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, ",")
Format string fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", float64(v)/1000)
Format string fmt.Sprintf("At %v, %s", e.When, e.What)
Format string fmt.Printf("int: %d, float: %f, bool: %t\n", 123, 78.9, true)
1.2 Deep Dive Into Golang
Go’s original target was networked system infrastructure, what we now call cloud software
1.3 Golang Quality Improvement Tools
Name Comment
gosec Golang security checker, gosec ./...
golangci-lint lint check, golint
errcheck errcheck checks that you checked errors, errcheck ./...
delve Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language.
ginkgo BDD Testing Framework for Go
mock GoMock is a mocking framework for Golang
envtest provides libraries for integration testing by starting a local control plane
go-junit-report Convert go test output to junit xml
gocover-cobertura go tool cover to XML (Cobertura) export tool
gocovmerge Merge coverprofile results from multiple go cover runs
Name Comment
goimports updates your Go import lines, adding missing ones and removing unreferenced ones
dep Go deps, now recommend go modules
Install go dep go get -u
Go modules export GO111MODULE=on, go mod download
Initialize new module in current directory go mod init XXX
Download modules to local cache go mod download
Add missing and remove unused modules go mod tidy
Make vendored copy of dependencies go mod vendor
Reference Link: Using Go Modules
1.7 Golang Code Structure & Common Algorithms
1.8 Syntax Sugar: From Python To Golang
Name Python Golang
sum slice sum([1, 2, 3])
sum := 0; for i := range nums { sum += nums[i] }
Get last item nums[-1]
For for i in range(10):
for i := 0; i < 10; i++
Loop list for num in [1, 2]
for num := range[]int{1, 2} { fmt.Print(num) }
Loop string for ch in str:
for _, ch := range str { fmt.Print(ch) }
Iterator for num in nums:
for _, num := range nums {fmt.Print(num)}
While while isOK:
for isOK
Check ch range ord(ch) in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)
ch >=’a’ && ch <=’z’
Get min min(2, 6, 5)
Check is nil root is None
root == nil
Reverse list nums[::-1]
Need to create your own function. Weird!
1.10 Golang Array/List/Slice
Name Comment
Make a array var a [2]string; a[0]=”hello”; a[1]=”world”
Create array with given values l := [6]int{2, 3, 7, 5, 11, 13}
Create array with given values l := []string{“a”, “c”, “b”, “d”}
Create dynamically-sized arrays a := make([]int, 5)
Create dynamically-sized arrays a := make([]int, 1, 5) // 5 is capacity
Sort string array sort.Strings(l); fmt.Print(l)
Sort int array sort.Ints(l)
//in-place change
Golang sort one array by another array LeetCode: Largest Values From Labels
Sort in descending order sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.IntSlice(keys)))
Append item l = append(l, “e”)
Append items l = append(l, “e”, “b”, “c”)
Append item to head/prepend l = append([]string{"a"}, l...)
Remove last item l = l[:len(l)-1]
Remove item by index l = append(l[0:1], l[2:]...)
Slices of a array var l2 = l[1:3]
// Notice: it’s a reference
Copy a list b := make([]int, len(a)); copy(b, a)
Join two lists l1 = append(l1, l2...)
Use pointer of array list code/pointer-array.go
Name Comment
Format string fmt.Sprintf("At %v, %s", e.When, e.What)
Format string fmt.Printf("int: %d, float: %f, bool: %t\n", 123, 78.9, true)
Padding zero fmt.Printf("%02d:%02d", 2, 10)
Split string var L = strings.Split("hi,golang", ",")
Replace string var str2 = strings.Replace("hi,all", ",", ";", -1)
Replace string strings.Replace("aaaa", "a", "b", 2)
Split string by separator strings.Split(path, " ")
Count characters strings.Count("test", "t")
Substring strings.Index("test", "e")
Join string strings.Join([]string{"a","b"}, "-")
Repeat string strings.Repeat("a", 2)
// aa
Lower string strings.ToLower("TEST")
Trim whitespace in two sides strings.TrimSpace("\t Hello world!\n ")
Trim trailing whitespace strings.TrimRight("\t Hello world!\n ", "\n ")
Concact string fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", str1, str2)
Reference Link: package strings
1.12 Golang Integer/Float
Name Comment
GOPATH It is called as the workspace directory for Go programs
GOROOT The location of your Go installation. No need to set any more
go env
Show a full list of environment variables
1.14 Golang Package management
Name Comment
go mod Link: go modules
go get fix GO111MODULE=off go get -fix ./...
go mod replace url go mod edit -replace…
Name Comment
get character ascii byte('0')
ascii offset fmt.Println(string('B' + byte('a')-byte('A')))
1.16 Golang Dict/Hashmap/Map
Name Comment
Create dict map[string]int{"a": 1, "b": 2}
Create dict make(map[string]int)
Check existence _, ok := m[k]
Delete key delete(m, "k1")
Create a map of lists m := make(map[string][]string)
Get keys of a map Loop the dictionary and append the key to a list
Use (x, y) as hashmap key m[[2]int{2, 2}] = true, code/example-hashmap-arraykey.go
1.20 Golang Files & Folders
Name Comment
pow(2, 3) int(math.Pow(2, 3))
// Default is float64
sqrt math.Sqrt(100)
Get rand rand.Intn(100)
, rand.Float64()
1.22 Golang Bit Operator & Math
Name Comment
Shift left fmt.Print(1 << 10)
// 1024
Shift right fmt.Print(1024 >> 3)
// 128
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