diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ y_pred, y_pred_lower, y_pred_upper = split_cp.predict(X_test, alpha=0.1)
-The library provides several metrics (`deel.puncc.metrics`) and plotting capabilities (`deel.puncc.plotting`) to evaluate and visualize the results of a conformal procedure. For a target error rate of $\alpha = 0.1$, the marginal coverage reached in this example on the test set is higher than $90$% (see [Introduction tutorial](docs/puncc_intro.ipynb)):
+The library provides several metrics (`deel.puncc.metrics`) and plotting capabilities (`deel.puncc.plotting`) to evaluate and visualize the results of a conformal procedure. For a target error rate of $\alpha = 0.1$, the marginal coverage reached in this example on the test set is higher than $90$% (see [**Introduction tutorial**](docs/puncc_intro.ipynb)):
@@ -138,7 +138,31 @@ The library provides several metrics (`deel.puncc.metrics`) and plotting capabil
- A direct approach to run state-of-the-art conformal prediction procedures. This is what we used in the previous conformal regression example.
- **Low-level API**: a more flexible approach based of full customization of the prediction model, the choice of nonconformity scores and the split between fit and calibration datasets.
-A quick comparison of both approaches is provided in the [API tutorial](docs/api_intro.ipynb) for a regression problem.
+A quick comparison of both approaches is provided in the [**API tutorial**](docs/api_intro.ipynb) for a regression problem.
+### 🖥️ Implemented Algorithms
+ Overview of Implemented Methods from the Literature:
+| Procedure Type | Procedure Name | Description (more details in [Theory overview](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/theory_overview.html)) |
+| Conformal Regression | [`deel.puncc.regression.SplitCP`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/regression.html#deel.puncc.regression.SplitCP) | Split Conformal Regression |
+| Conformal Regression | [`deel.puncc.regression.LocallyAdaptiveCP`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/regression.html#deel.puncc.regression.LocallyAdaptiveCP) | Locally Adaptive Conformal Regression |
+| Conformal Regression | [`deel.puncc.regression.CQR`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/regression.html#deel.puncc.regression.CQR) | Conformalized Quantile Regression |
+| Conformal Regression | [`deel.puncc.regression.CvPlus`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/regression.html#deel.puncc.regression.CVPlus) | CV + (cross-validation) |
+| Conformal Regression | [`deel.puncc.regression.EnbPI`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/regression.html#deel.puncc.regression.EnbPI) | Ensemble Batch Prediction Intervals method |
+| Conformal Regression | [`deel.puncc.regression.aEnbPI`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/regression.html#deel.puncc.regression.AdaptiveEnbPI) | Locally adaptive Ensemble Batch Prediction Intervals method |
+| Conformal Classification | [`deel.puncc.classification.LAC`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/classification.html#deel.puncc.classification.LAC) | Least Ambiguous Set-Valued Classifiers |
+| Conformal Classification | [`deel.puncc.classification.APS`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/classification.html#deel.puncc.classification.APS) | Adaptive Prediction Sets |
+| Conformal Classification | [`deel.puncc.classification.RAPS`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/classification.html#deel.puncc.classification.RAPS) | Regularized Adaptive Prediction Sets (APS is a special case where $\lambda = 0$) |
+| Conformal Anomaly Detection | [`deel.puncc.anomaly_detection.SplitCAD`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/anomaly_detection.html#deel.puncc.anomaly_detection.SplitCAD) | Split Conformal Anomaly detection (used to control the maximum false positive rate) |
+| Conformal Object Detection | [`deel.puncc.object_detection.SplitBoxWise`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/object_detection.html#deel.puncc.object_detection.SplitBoxWise) | Box-wise split conformal object detection |
## 📚 Citation
diff --git a/deel/puncc/api/nonconformity_scores.py b/deel/puncc/api/nonconformity_scores.py
index 81971c8..5332d7b 100644
--- a/deel/puncc/api/nonconformity_scores.py
+++ b/deel/puncc/api/nonconformity_scores.py
@@ -46,6 +46,36 @@
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Classification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+def lac_score(
+ Y_pred: Iterable,
+ y_true: Iterable,
+) -> Iterable:
+ """LAC nonconformity score.
+ :param Iterable Y_pred:
+ :math:`Y_{\\text{pred}} = (P_{\\text{C}_1}, ..., P_{\\text{C}_n})`
+ where :math:`P_{\\text{C}_i}` is logit associated to class i.
+ :param Iterable y_true: true labels.
+ :returns: RAPS nonconformity scores.
+ :rtype: Iterable
+ :raises TypeError: unsupported data types.
+ """
+ supported_types_check(Y_pred, y_true)
+ # Check if logits sum is close to one
+ logit_normalization_check(Y_pred)
+ if not isinstance(Y_pred, np.ndarray):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "LAC nonconformity score only implemented for ndarrays"
+ )
+ # Compute and return the LAC nonconformity score
+ return 1 - Y_pred[np.arange(y_true.shape[0]), y_true]
def raps_score(
Y_pred: Iterable,
y_true: Iterable,
diff --git a/deel/puncc/api/prediction_sets.py b/deel/puncc/api/prediction_sets.py
index bad48cd..f228820 100644
--- a/deel/puncc/api/prediction_sets.py
+++ b/deel/puncc/api/prediction_sets.py
@@ -44,6 +44,38 @@
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Classification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+def lac_set(
+ Y_pred, scores_quantile
+) -> List:
+ """LAC prediction set.
+ :param Iterable Y_pred:
+ :math:`Y_{\\text{pred}} = (P_{\\text{C}_1}, ..., P_{\\text{C}_n})`
+ where :math:`P_{\\text{C}_i}` is logit associated to class i.
+ :param ndarray scores_quantile: quantile of nonconformity scores computed
+ on a calibration set for a given :math:`\\alpha`
+ :returns: LAC prediction sets.
+ :rtype: Iterable
+ """
+ # Check if logits sum is close to one
+ logit_normalization_check(Y_pred)
+ pred_len = len(Y_pred)
+ logger.debug(f"Shape of Y_pred: {Y_pred.shape}")
+ # Build prediction sets
+ prediction_sets = [
+ np.where(Y_pred[i] >= 1 - scores_quantile)[0].tolist() for i in range(pred_len)
+ ]
+ return (prediction_sets,)
def raps_set(
Y_pred, scores_quantile, lambd: float = 0, k_reg: int = 1, rand: bool = True
) -> List:
diff --git a/deel/puncc/classification.py b/deel/puncc/classification.py
index 9789667..2a7b195 100644
--- a/deel/puncc/classification.py
+++ b/deel/puncc/classification.py
@@ -38,6 +38,133 @@
from deel.puncc.api.prediction import BasePredictor
from deel.puncc.api.splitting import IdSplitter
from deel.puncc.api.splitting import RandomSplitter
+from deel.puncc.regression import SplitCP
+class LAC(SplitCP):
+ """Implementation of the Least Ambiguous Set-Valued Classifier (LAC).
+ For more details, we refer the user to the
+ :ref:`theory overview page `.
+ :param BasePredictor predictor: a predictor implementing fit and predict.
+ :param bool train: if False, prediction model(s) will not be trained and
+ will be used as is. Defaults to True.
+ .. _example lac:
+ Example::
+ from deel.puncc.classification import LAC
+ from deel.puncc.api.prediction import BasePredictor
+ from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
+ from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
+ from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
+ from deel.puncc.metrics import classification_mean_coverage
+ from deel.puncc.metrics import classification_mean_size
+ import numpy as np
+ from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical
+ # Generate a random regression problem
+ X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=4, n_informative=2,
+ n_classes = 2,random_state=0, shuffle=False)
+ # Split data into train and test
+ X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
+ X, y, test_size=.2, random_state=0
+ )
+ # Split train data into fit and calibration
+ X_fit, X_calib, y_fit, y_calib = train_test_split(
+ X_train, y_train, test_size=.2, random_state=0
+ )
+ # One hot encoding of classes
+ y_fit_cat = to_categorical(y_fit)
+ y_calib_cat = to_categorical(y_calib)
+ y_test_cat = to_categorical(y_test)
+ # Create rf classifier
+ rf_model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=0)
+ # Create a wrapper of the random forest model to redefine its predict method
+ # into logits predictions. Make sure to subclass BasePredictor.
+ # Note that we needed to build a new wrapper (over BasePredictor) only because
+ # the predict(.) method of RandomForestClassifier does not predict logits.
+ # Otherwise, it is enough to use BasePredictor (e.g., neural network with softmax).
+ class RFPredictor(BasePredictor):
+ def predict(self, X, **kwargs):
+ return self.model.predict_proba(X, **kwargs)
+ # Wrap model in the newly created RFPredictor
+ rf_predictor = RFPredictor(rf_model)
+ # CP method initialization
+ lac_cp = LAC(rf_predictor)
+ # The call to `fit` trains the model and computes the nonconformity
+ # scores on the calibration set
+ lac_cp.fit(X_fit=X_fit, y_fit=y_fit, X_calib=X_calib, y_calib=y_calib)
+ # The predict method infers prediction sets with respect to
+ # the significance level alpha = 20%
+ y_pred, set_pred = lac_cp.predict(X_test, alpha=.2)
+ # Compute marginal coverage
+ coverage = classification_mean_coverage(y_test, set_pred)
+ size = classification_mean_size(set_pred)
+ print(f"Marginal coverage: {np.round(coverage, 2)}")
+ print(f"Average prediction set size: {np.round(size, 2)}")
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ predictor: Union[BasePredictor, Any],
+ train: bool = True,
+ random_state: float = None,
+ ):
+ super().__init__(
+ predictor=predictor,
+ train=train,
+ random_state=random_state,
+ )
+ self.calibrator = BaseCalibrator(
+ nonconf_score_func=nonconformity_scores.lac_score,
+ pred_set_func=prediction_sets.lac_set,
+ weight_func=None,
+ )
+ self.conformal_predictor = ConformalPredictor(
+ predictor=self.predictor,
+ calibrator=self.calibrator,
+ splitter=object(),
+ train=self.train,
+ )
+ def predict(self, X_test: Iterable, alpha: float) -> Tuple:
+ """Conformal set predictions (w.r.t target miscoverage alpha)
+ for new samples.
+ :param Iterable X_test: features of new samples.
+ :param float alpha: target maximum miscoverage.
+ :returns: Tuple composed of the model estimate y_pred and the
+ prediction set set_pred
+ :rtype: Tuple
+ """
+ if self.conformal_predictor is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("Fit method should be called before predict.")
+ (y_pred, set_pred) = self.conformal_predictor.predict(
+ X_test, alpha=alpha
+ )
+ return y_pred, set_pred
class RAPS:
@@ -128,7 +255,7 @@ def predict(self, X, **kwargs):
raps_cp.fit(X_fit=X_fit, y_fit=y_fit, X_calib=X_calib, y_calib=y_calib)
- # The predict method infers prediction intervals with respect to
+ # The predict method infers prediction sets with respect to
# the significance level alpha = 20%
y_pred, set_pred = raps_cp.predict(X_test, alpha=.2)
@@ -252,7 +379,7 @@ def fit(
self.conformal_predictor.fit(X=X, y=y, **kwargs)
def predict(self, X_test: Iterable, alpha: float) -> Tuple:
- """Conformal interval predictions (w.r.t target miscoverage alpha)
+ """Conformal set predictions (w.r.t target miscoverage alpha)
for new samples.
:param Iterable X_test: features of new samples.
@@ -344,7 +471,7 @@ def predict(self, X, **kwargs):
# scores on the calibration set
aps_cp.(X_fit=X_fit, y_fit=y_fit, X_calib=X_calib, y_calib=y_calib)
- # The predict method infers prediction intervals with respect to
+ # The predict method infers prediction sets with respect to
# the significance level alpha = 20%
y_pred, set_pred = aps_cp.predict(X_test, alpha=.2)
diff --git a/docs/assets/puncc_architecture.png b/docs/assets/puncc_architecture.png
index 571415d..4094de2 100644
Binary files a/docs/assets/puncc_architecture.png and b/docs/assets/puncc_architecture.png differ
diff --git a/docs/puncc_architecture.ipynb b/docs/puncc_architecture.ipynb
index 8977ff1..6d893c8 100644
--- a/docs/puncc_architecture.ipynb
+++ b/docs/puncc_architecture.ipynb
@@ -13,16 +13,17 @@
"| Procedure Type | Procedure Name | Description (more details in [Theory overview](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/theory_overview.html)) |\n",
- "| Conformal Regression | `deel.puncc.regression.SplitCP` | Split Conformal Prediction |\n",
- "| Conformal Regression | `deel.puncc.regression.LocallyAdaptiveCP` | Locally Adaptive Conformal Prediction |\n",
- "| Conformal Regression | `deel.puncc.regression.CQR` | Conformalized Quantile Regression |\n",
- "| Conformal Regression | `deel.puncc.regression.CvPlus` | CV + (cross-validation) |\n",
- "| Conformal Regression | `deel.puncc.regression.EnbPI` | Ensemble Batch Prediction Intervals method |\n",
- "| Conformal Regression | `deel.puncc.regression.aEnbPI` | Locally adaptive Ensemble Batch Prediction Intervals method |\n",
- "| Conformal Classification | `deel.puncc.classification.APS` | Adaptive Prediction Sets |\n",
- "| Conformal Classification | `deel.puncc.classification.RAPS` | Regularized Adaptive Prediction Sets (APS is a special case where $\\lambda = 0$) |\n",
- "| Conformal Anomaly Detection | `deel.puncc.anomaly_detection.SplitCAD` | Split Conformal Anomaly detection (used to control the maximum false positive rate) |\n",
- "| Conformal Object Detection | `deel.puncc.object_detection.SplitBoxWise` | Box-wise split conformal object detection |\n",
+ "| Conformal Regression | [`deel.puncc.regression.SplitCP`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/regression.html#deel.puncc.regression.SplitCP) | Split Conformal Regression |\n",
+ "| Conformal Regression | [`deel.puncc.regression.LocallyAdaptiveCP`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/regression.html#deel.puncc.regression.LocallyAdaptiveCP) | Locally Adaptive Conformal Regression |\n",
+ "| Conformal Regression | [`deel.puncc.regression.CQR`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/regression.html#deel.puncc.regression.CQR) | Conformalized Quantile Regression |\n",
+ "| Conformal Regression | [`deel.puncc.regression.CvPlus`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/regression.html#deel.puncc.regression.CVPlus) | CV + (cross-validation) |\n",
+ "| Conformal Regression | [`deel.puncc.regression.EnbPI`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/regression.html#deel.puncc.regression.EnbPI) | Ensemble Batch Prediction Intervals method |\n",
+ "| Conformal Regression | [`deel.puncc.regression.aEnbPI`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/regression.html#deel.puncc.regression.AdaptiveEnbPI) | Locally adaptive Ensemble Batch Prediction Intervals method |\n",
+ "| Conformal Classification | [`deel.puncc.classification.LAC`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/classification.html#deel.puncc.classification.LAC) | Least Ambiguous Set-Valued Classifiers |\n",
+ "| Conformal Classification | [`deel.puncc.classification.APS`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/classification.html#deel.puncc.classification.APS) | Adaptive Prediction Sets |\n",
+ "| Conformal Classification | [`deel.puncc.classification.RAPS`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/classification.html#deel.puncc.classification.RAPS) | Regularized Adaptive Prediction Sets (APS is a special case where $\\lambda = 0$) |\n",
+ "| Conformal Anomaly Detection | [`deel.puncc.anomaly_detection.SplitCAD`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/anomaly_detection.html#deel.puncc.anomaly_detection.SplitCAD) | Split Conformal Anomaly detection (used to control the maximum false positive rate) |\n",
+ "| Conformal Object Detection | [`deel.puncc.object_detection.SplitBoxWise`](https://deel-ai.github.io/puncc/object_detection.html#deel.puncc.object_detection.SplitBoxWise) | Box-wise split conformal object detection |\n",
"Each of these procedures conformalize point-based or interval-based models that are wrapped in a predictor and passed as argument to the constructor. Wrapping the models in a predictor (`deel.puncc.api.prediction`) enables to work with several ML/DL libraries and data structures.\n",
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 2,
+ "execution_count": null,
"id": "2af0185f",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
@@ -88,16 +89,18 @@
"model = linear_model.LinearRegression()\n",
"# Definition of a predictor (This will be explained later)\n",
- "my_predictor = BasePredictor(model) # Predictor\n",
+ "my_predictor = BasePredictor(model) # Predictor\n",
"# Definition of a calibrator, built for a given nonconformity scores and a\n",
"# procedure to build the prediction sets\n",
+ "\n",
"## Definition of a custom nonconformity scores function.\n",
"## Alternatively, several ready-to-use nonconf scores are provided in\n",
"## the module deel.puncc.nonconformity_scores (more on this later)\n",
"def my_ncf(y_pred, y_true):\n",
- " return np.abs(y_pred-y_true)\n",
+ " return np.abs(y_pred - y_true)\n",
+ "\n",
"## Definition of a custom function to build prediction sets.\n",
"## Alternatively, several ready-to-use procedure are provided in\n",
@@ -107,17 +110,19 @@
" y_upper = y_pred + nonconf_scores_quantile\n",
" return y_lower, y_upper\n",
+ "\n",
"## Calibrator construction\n",
- "my_calibrator = BaseCalibrator(nonconf_score_func=my_ncf,\n",
- " pred_set_func=my_psf) # Calibrator\n",
+ "my_calibrator = BaseCalibrator(\n",
+ " nonconf_score_func=my_ncf, pred_set_func=my_psf\n",
+ ") # Calibrator\n",
"# Definition of a K-fold splitter that produces 20 folds of fit/calibration\n",
- "kfold_splitter = KFoldSplitter(K=20, random_state=42) # Splitter\n",
+ "kfold_splitter = KFoldSplitter(K=20, random_state=42) # Splitter\n",
"# Conformal prediction canvas\n",
- "conformal_predictor = ConformalPredictor(predictor=my_predictor,\n",
- " calibrator=my_calibrator,\n",
- " splitter=kfold_splitter)"
+ "conformal_predictor = ConformalPredictor(\n",
+ " predictor=my_predictor, calibrator=my_calibrator, splitter=kfold_splitter\n",
+ ")"
@@ -155,28 +160,36 @@
"# Data\n",
"## Generate a random regression problem\n",
- "X, y = make_regression(n_samples=1000, n_features=4, n_informative=2,\n",
- " random_state=0, noise=10, shuffle=False)\n",
+ "X, y = make_regression(\n",
+ " n_samples=1000,\n",
+ " n_features=4,\n",
+ " n_informative=2,\n",
+ " random_state=0,\n",
+ " noise=10,\n",
+ " shuffle=False,\n",
+ ")\n",
"## Split data into train and test\n",
"X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(\n",
- " X, y, test_size=.2, random_state=0\n",
+ " X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0\n",
"# Regression linear model\n",
"model = linear_model.LinearRegression()\n",
"# Definition of a predictor (This will be explained later)\n",
- "my_predictor = BasePredictor(model) # Predictor\n",
+ "my_predictor = BasePredictor(model) # Predictor\n",
"# Definition of a calibrator, built for a given nonconformity scores and a\n",
"# procedure to build the prediction sets\n",
+ "\n",
"## Definition of a custom nonconformity scores function.\n",
"## Alternatively, several ready-to-use nonconf scores are provided in\n",
"## the module deel.puncc.nonconformity_scores (more on this later)\n",
"def my_ncf(y_pred, y_true):\n",
- " return np.abs(y_pred-y_true)\n",
+ " return np.abs(y_pred - y_true)\n",
+ "\n",
"## Definition of a custom function to build prediction sets.\n",
"## Alternatively, several ready-to-use procedure are provided in\n",
@@ -186,37 +199,43 @@
" y_upper = y_pred + nonconf_scores_quantile\n",
" return y_lower, y_upper\n",
+ "\n",
"## Calibrator construction\n",
- "my_calibrator = BaseCalibrator(nonconf_score_func=my_ncf,\n",
- " pred_set_func=my_psf) # Calibrator\n",
+ "my_calibrator = BaseCalibrator(\n",
+ " nonconf_score_func=my_ncf, pred_set_func=my_psf\n",
+ ") # Calibrator\n",
"# Definition of a K-fold splitter that produces 20 folds of fit/calibration\n",
- "kfold_splitter = KFoldSplitter(K=20, random_state=42) # Splitter\n",
+ "kfold_splitter = KFoldSplitter(K=20, random_state=42) # Splitter\n",
"# Conformal prediction canvas\n",
- "conformal_predictor = ConformalPredictor(predictor=my_predictor,\n",
- " calibrator=my_calibrator,\n",
- " splitter=kfold_splitter)\n",
+ "conformal_predictor = ConformalPredictor(\n",
+ " predictor=my_predictor, calibrator=my_calibrator, splitter=kfold_splitter\n",
+ ")\n",
"conformal_predictor.fit(X_train, y_train)\n",
- "y_pred, y_pred_lower, y_pred_upper = conformal_predictor.predict(X_test, alpha=.1)\n",
+ "y_pred, y_pred_lower, y_pred_upper = conformal_predictor.predict(\n",
+ " X_test, alpha=0.1\n",
+ ")\n",
"# Compute empirical marginal coverage and average width of the prediction intervals\n",
"coverage = metrics.regression_mean_coverage(y_test, y_pred_lower, y_pred_upper)\n",
- "width = metrics.regression_sharpness(y_pred_lower=y_pred_lower,\n",
- " y_pred_upper=y_pred_upper)\n",
+ "width = metrics.regression_sharpness(\n",
+ " y_pred_lower=y_pred_lower, y_pred_upper=y_pred_upper\n",
+ ")\n",
"print(f\"Marginal coverage: {coverage:.2f}\")\n",
"print(f\"Average width: {width:.2f}\")\n",
"# Figure of the prediction bands\n",
"ax = plot_prediction_intervals(\n",
- " X = X_test[:,0],\n",
- " y_true=y_test,\n",
- " y_pred=y_pred,\n",
- " y_pred_lower=y_pred_lower,\n",
- " y_pred_upper=y_pred_upper,\n",
- " sort_X=True,\n",
- " size=(10, 6),\n",
- " loc=\"upper left\")\n",
+ " X=X_test[:, 0],\n",
+ " y_true=y_test,\n",
+ " y_pred=y_pred,\n",
+ " y_pred_lower=y_pred_lower,\n",
+ " y_pred_upper=y_pred_upper,\n",
+ " sort_X=True,\n",
+ " size=(10, 6),\n",
+ " loc=\"upper left\",\n",
+ ")\n",
"_ = ax.set_xlabel(\"Dummy X\")\n",
"_ = ax.set_ylabel(\"Dummy Y\")"
@@ -261,7 +280,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
+ "execution_count": null,
"id": "b9cc46fb",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
@@ -272,6 +291,7 @@
"# Create rf classifier\n",
"rf_model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=0)\n",
+ "\n",
"# Create a wrapper of the random forest model to redefine its predict method\n",
"# into logits predictions. Make sure to subclass BasePredictor.\n",
"# Note that we needed to build a new wrapper (over BasePredictor) only because\n",
@@ -281,6 +301,7 @@
" def predict(self, X, **kwargs):\n",
" return self.model.predict_proba(X, **kwargs)\n",
+ "\n",
"# Wrap model in the newly created RFPredictor\n",
"rf_predictor = RFPredictor(rf_model)"
@@ -308,7 +329,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 5,
+ "execution_count": null,
"id": "72983b23",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
@@ -318,8 +339,10 @@
"from deel.puncc.api import prediction_sets\n",
"## Calibrator construction\n",
- "my_calibrator = BaseCalibrator(nonconf_score_func=nonconformity_scores.absolute_difference,\n",
- " pred_set_func=prediction_sets.constant_interval)"
+ "my_calibrator = BaseCalibrator(\n",
+ " nonconf_score_func=nonconformity_scores.absolute_difference,\n",
+ " pred_set_func=prediction_sets.constant_interval,\n",
+ ")"
@@ -333,28 +356,52 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 6,
+ "execution_count": null,
"id": "b9866d85",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from deel.puncc.api.calibration import BaseCalibrator\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
"## Definition of a custom nonconformity scores function.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
"## Alternatively, several ready-to-use nonconf scores are provided in\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
"## the module deel.puncc.nonconformity_scores\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
"def my_ncf(y_pred, y_true):\n",
- " return np.abs(y_pred-y_true)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return np.abs(y_pred - y_true)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
"## Definition of a custom function to build prediction sets.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
"## Alternatively, several ready-to-use procedure are provided in\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
"## the module deel.puncc.prediction_sets\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
"def my_psf(y_pred, nonconf_scores_quantile):\n",
+ "\n",
" y_lower = y_pred - nonconf_scores_quantile\n",
+ "\n",
" y_upper = y_pred + nonconf_scores_quantile\n",
+ "\n",
" return y_lower, y_upper\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
"## Calibrator construction\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
"my_calibrator = BaseCalibrator(nonconf_score_func=my_ncf, pred_set_func=my_psf)"
diff --git a/docs/source/classification.rst b/docs/source/classification.rst
index b3012e5..d2eb20d 100644
--- a/docs/source/classification.rst
+++ b/docs/source/classification.rst
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ and :func:`predict` methods.
:doc:`Prediction module ` from the :doc:`API ` ensures the
compliance of models from various ML/DL libraries (such as Keras and scikit-learn) to **puncc**.
+.. autoclass:: deel.puncc.classification.LAC
.. autoclass:: deel.puncc.classification.RAPS
.. autoclass:: deel.puncc.classification.APS
diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py
index 471b1f5..d7e5765 100644
--- a/docs/source/conf.py
+++ b/docs/source/conf.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
author = "Mouhcine Mendil, Luca Mossina and Joseba Dalmau"
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
-release = "0.7.8"
+release = "0.8.0"
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/docs/source/theory_overview.rst b/docs/source/theory_overview.rst
index 604c865..dd0055f 100644
--- a/docs/source/theory_overview.rst
+++ b/docs/source/theory_overview.rst
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ for time series data of the form
:math:`Y_t = f(X_t) + \epsilon_t`,
where :math:`\epsilon_t` are identically distributed,
but not necessarily independent.
-Given a training data set :math:`D=\lbrace (X_i, Y_i) \rbrace_{i=1}^n`
+Given a training dataset :math:`D=\lbrace (X_i, Y_i) \rbrace_{i=1}^n`
and a test set :math:`D_{test} = \lbrace (X_t,Y_t) \rbrace_{t=n+1}^{n_{test}}`,
the EnbPI algorithm aims at constructing prediction sets
for each test point :math:`X_t`.
@@ -247,12 +247,12 @@ e.g. via a simple average, a bagging or an ensembling method.
The algorithm EnbPI is performed in three stages:
- #. Sample :math:`B` bootstrap data sets :math:`S_b`, for :math:`b=1,\dots, B` with replacement from :math:`D`.
+ #. Sample :math:`B` bootstrap datasets :math:`S_b`, for :math:`b=1,\dots, B` with replacement from :math:`D`.
#. Train :math:`B` bootstrap models :math:`\widehat{f}^b = \mathcal{A}(S_b)`.
#. Compute the predictions on each training sample :math:`X_i\in D`. Only the models :math:`\widehat{f}^b` where :math:`X_i\not\in S_b` are used in the aggregation: :math:`\widehat{f}_{-i}(X_i):=\phi\big( \lbrace \widehat{f}^b(X_i) | X_i\not\in S_b\rbrace\big)`.
- #. Compute the errors :math:`R_i=|Y_i-\widehat{f}_{-i}(X_i)|`, and stock them as :math:`\mathcal{R}_1:=\lbrace R_i,i=1,\dots, n\rbrace`.
+ #. Compute the errors :math:`R_i=|Y_i-\widehat{f}_{-i}(X_i)|`, and store them as :math:`\mathcal{R}_1:=\lbrace R_i,i=1,\dots, n\rbrace`.
#. Compute the predictions on each test sample :math:`X_t\in D_{test}` by setting :math:`\widehat{f}_{-t}(X_t):= \frac{1}{T}\sum_{i=1}^T \widehat{f}_{-i}(X_t)`.
@@ -311,13 +311,13 @@ Conformal Classification
.. The set :math:`\tilde{C}(x; \beta) = \{y | \text{min}_l S(x; l) \geq \beta \}` for :math:`\beta := 1 - \alpha` such that :math:`P\{Y \in C(x; l) \} \geq 1 - \alpha`
-Adaptive Prediction Sets (APS)
-.. _theory aps:
+Least Ambiguous Set-Valued Classifiers (LAC)
+.. _theory lac:
As for the Split Conformal Regression algorithm,
-the APS algorithm introduced in [Romano2020]_
-requires us to split the data set :math:`D` into a proper training set :math:`D_{train}`
+the LAC algorithm introduced in [Sadinle2018]_
+requires us to split the dataset :math:`D` into a proper training set :math:`D_{train}`
and an independent calibration set :math:`D_{calib}`.
A classifier :math:`\widehat{\pi}` is trained
using the proper training set :math:`D_{train}` only.
@@ -326,6 +326,30 @@ I.e. for each input :math:`x`,
the output :math:`\widehat{\pi}(x)=(\widehat{\pi}_1(x),\dots,\widehat{\pi}_K(x))`
is a probability vector and :math:`k=1,\dots, K`
represent the possible different classes in the classification task.
+In order to construct the prediction sets :math:`\widehat{C}_\alpha`,
+the LAC algorithm works in two stages:
+ #. For each example :math:`X_i` in the calibration dataset, compute the error :math:`R_i=1-\widehat{\pi}_{Y_i}(X_i)`, i.e. 1 minus the sofmax output of the ground truth class.
+ #. store all errors in a vector :math:`\mathcal{R}`.
+ #. Compute the probability threshold :math:`\delta_{\alpha}` as the :math:`(1-\alpha)(1 + 1/n_{calib})`-th empirical quantile of :math:`\mathcal{R}`.
+ #. The prediction set for a test point :math:`X_{new}` is defined as
+ .. math::
+ \widehat{C}_{\alpha}(X_{new})=\big\lbrace
+ k \, | \, \widehat{\pi}_{k}(X_{new})\geq 1 - \delta_\alpha
+ \big\rbrace\,.
+Adaptive Prediction Sets (APS)
+.. _theory aps:
+The LAC algorithm produces prediction sets that have small average size, and is known to be Bayes optimal.
+However, it tends to undercover in regions where the classifier is uncertain, and overcover in regions where the classifier is confident.
+The APS algorithm introduced in [Romano2020]_ aims to produce prediction sets that are more stable and have a better coverage rate.
We represent by :math:`\widehat{\pi}_{(1)}(x)\geq \cdots\geq \widehat{\pi}_{(K)}(x)`
the softmax vector :math:`\widehat{\pi}` arranged in decreasing order,
i.e. :math:`(k)` is the index of the class having the :math:`k`-th largest probability mass.
@@ -334,11 +358,11 @@ In order to construct the prediction sets :math:`\widehat{C}_\alpha`,
the APS algorithm works in two stages:
- #. For each example :math:`X_i` in the calibration data set, we compute the error :math:`R_i` as the probability mass needed for reaching the true label :math:`Y_i`, i.e. :math:`R_i=\widehat{\pi}_{(1)}+\cdots+\widehat{\pi}_{(k)}`, wehere :math:`(k)=Y_i`.
- #. Stock all errors in a vector :math:`\mathcal{R}`.
+ #. For each example :math:`X_i` in the calibration dataset, we compute the error :math:`R_i` as the probability mass needed for reaching the true label :math:`Y_i`, i.e. :math:`R_i=\widehat{\pi}_{(1)}+\cdots+\widehat{\pi}_{(k)}`, wehere :math:`(k)=Y_i`.
+ #. Store all errors in a vector :math:`\mathcal{R}`.
- #. Compute the error margin :math:`\delta_{\alpha}` as the :math:`(1-\alpha)(1 + 1/n_{calib})`-th empirical quantile of :math:`\mathcal{R}`.
+ #. Compute the probability threshold :math:`\delta_{\alpha}` as the :math:`(1-\alpha)(1 + 1/n_{calib})`-th empirical quantile of :math:`\mathcal{R}`.
#. The prediction set for a test point :math:`X_{new}` is defined as
.. math::
@@ -361,7 +385,7 @@ Employing the same notations as for the APS algorithm above,
the RAPS algorithm works in two stages:
- #. For each example :math:`X_i` in the calibration data set, we compute the error :math:`R_i` as the probability mass needed for reaching the true label :math:`Y_i`, i.e.
+ #. For each example :math:`X_i` in the calibration dataset, we compute the error :math:`R_i` as the probability mass needed for reaching the true label :math:`Y_i`, i.e.
.. math::
@@ -369,10 +393,10 @@ the RAPS algorithm works in two stages:
where :math:`(k)=Y_i`. The regularization term :math:`\lambda(k-k_{reg}+1)` is added to the APS error, where :math:`\lambda` and :math:`k_{reg}` are hyperparameters.
- #. Stock all errors in a vector :math:`\mathcal{R}`.
+ #. Store all errors in a vector :math:`\mathcal{R}`.
- #. Compute the error margin :math:`\delta_{\alpha}` as the :math:`(1-\alpha)(1 + 1/n_{calib})`-th empirical quantile of :math:`\mathcal{R}`.
+ #. Compute the probability thresholdn :math:`\delta_{\alpha}` as the :math:`(1-\alpha)(1 + 1/n_{calib})`-th empirical quantile of :math:`\mathcal{R}`.
#. The prediction set for a test point :math:`X_{new}` is defined as :math:`\widehat{C}_{\alpha}(X_{new})=\big\lbrace (1),\dots,(k)\big\rbrace`, where
.. math::
@@ -382,8 +406,31 @@ the RAPS algorithm works in two stages:
Conformal Anomaly Detection
+.. _theory cad:
+Conformal prediction can be extended to handle unsupervised anomaly detection, allowing us to identify data points that do not conform to the "normal" (or nominal) distribution of a dataset [Laxhammar2015]_. The goal is to assign a statistical guarantee to the anomaly detector, ensuring that it controls the **false positive rate**.
+To detect anomalies, we start with a model that assigns an anomaly score :math:`s(X)` to each data point. Higher scores indicate a higher likelihood of being an outlier.
+ #. For each example :math:`X_i` in the calibration dataset, we compute the nonconformity score as the anomaly score provided by the model, i.e. :math:`R_i = s(X_i)`.
+ #. Store all nonconformity scores in a vector :math:`\mathcal{R}`.
+ #. Compute the anomaly score threshold :math:`\delta_{\alpha}` as the :math:`(1-\alpha)(1 + 1/n_{calib})`-th empirical quantile of :math:`\mathcal{R}`.
+ #. For a new test point :math:`X_{new}`, the conformalized anomaly detector classifies it as:
+ .. math::
+ \widehat{C}_{\alpha} = \begin{cases}
+ \text{Normal} & \text{if } s(X_{new}) \leq \delta_{\alpha} \\
+ \text{Anomaly} & \text{if } s(X_{new}) > \delta_{\alpha}
+ \end{cases}
+Conformal anomaly detection provides an error control guarantee, meaning that under the assumption of exchangeability, the probability of a false positive (labeling a norminal instance as an anomaly) is bounded by :math:`\alpha`.
Conformal Object Detection
@@ -399,10 +446,12 @@ References
.. [Angelopoulos2021] Angelopoulos, A. N., Bates, S., Jordan, M., & Malik, J (2021). Uncertainty Sets for Image Classifiers using Conformal Prediction. In Proceedings of ICLR 2021. https://openreview.net/forum?id=eNdiU_DbM9
.. [Angelopoulos2022] Angelopoulos, A.N. and Bates, S., (2021). A gentle introduction to conformal prediction and distribution-free uncertainty quantification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.07511. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07511
.. [Barber2021] Barber, R. F., Candes, E. J., Ramdas, A., & Tibshirani, R. J. (2021). Predictive inference with the jackknife+. Ann. Statist. 49 (1) 486 - 507, February 2021. https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.02928
+.. [Laxhammar2015] Laxhammar, R., & Falkman, G. (2015). Inductive conformal anomaly detection for sequential detection of anomalous sub-trajectories. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 74, 67-94
.. [Lei2018] Lei, J., G'Sell, M., Rinaldo, A., Tibshirani, R.J. and Wasserman, L., (2018). Distribution-free predictive inference for regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113(523), pp.1094-1111. https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.04173
.. [Papadopoulos2002] Papadopoulos, H., Proedrou, K., Vovk, V. and Gammerman, A., (2002). Inductive confidence machines for regression. In Proceedings of ECML 2002, Springer. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-36755-1_29
.. [Papadopoulos2008] Papadopoulos, H., Gammerman, A. and Vovk, V., (2008). Normalized nonconformity measures for regression conformal prediction. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2008) (pp. 64-69).
.. [deGrancey2022] de Grancey, F., Adam, J.L., Alecu, L., Gerchinovitz, S., Mamalet, F. and Vigouroux, D., 2022, June. Object detection with probabilistic guarantees: A conformal prediction approach. In International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security.
.. [Romano2019] Romano, Y., Patterson, E. and Candes, E., (2019). Conformalized quantile regression. In Proceedings of NeurIPS, 32. https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.03222
.. [Romano2020] Romano, Y., Sesia, M., & Candes, E. (2020). Classification with valid and adaptive coverage. In Proceedings of NeurIPS, 33. https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.02544
+.. [Sadinle2018] Sandinle, M., Lei, J., Wasserman, L., (2018). Least Ambiguous Set-Valued Classifiers With Bounded Error Levels. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114(525), 223-234. https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.00451
.. [Xu2021] Xu, C. & Xie, Y.. (2021). Conformal prediction interval for dynamic time-series. Proceedings of ICML 2021. https://proceedings.mlr.press/v139/xu21h.html.
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index e39839a..e342897 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
- version="0.7.8",
+ version="0.8.0",
author=", ".join(["Mouhcine Mendil", "Luca Mossina", "Joseba Dalmau"]),
author_email=", ".join(
diff --git a/tests/test_classification_seed.py b/tests/test_classification_seed.py
index 2afabc1..77490df 100644
--- a/tests/test_classification_seed.py
+++ b/tests/test_classification_seed.py
@@ -34,10 +34,12 @@
from deel.puncc.api.prediction import BasePredictor
from deel.puncc.classification import APS
from deel.puncc.classification import RAPS
+from deel.puncc.classification import LAC
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"
+ "lac": {"cov": 0.89, "size": 1.54},
"aps": {"cov": 0.89, "size": 1.92},
"aps-norand": {"cov": 0.98, "size": 3.91},
"raps": {"cov": 0.89, "size": 1.9},
@@ -45,6 +47,60 @@
+ "alpha, random_state",
+ [(0.1, 42)],
+def test_lac(mnist_data, alpha, random_state):
+ tf.keras.utils.set_random_seed(random_state)
+ # Get data
+ (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, y_train_cat, y_test_cat) = mnist_data
+ # Split fit and calib datasets
+ X_fit, X_calib = X_train[:50000], X_train[50000:]
+ y_fit, y_calib = y_train[:50000], y_train[50000:]
+ y_fit_cat, y_calib_cat = y_train_cat[:50000], y_train_cat[50000:]
+ # One hot encoding of classes
+ y_fit_cat = to_categorical(y_fit)
+ y_calib_cat = to_categorical(y_calib)
+ y_test_cat = to_categorical(y_test)
+ # Classification model
+ nn_model = models.Sequential()
+ nn_model.add(layers.Dense(4, activation="relu", input_shape=(28 * 28,)))
+ nn_model.add(layers.Dense(10, activation="softmax"))
+ compile_kwargs = {
+ "optimizer": "rmsprop",
+ "loss": "categorical_crossentropy",
+ "metrics": [],
+ }
+ fit_kwargs = {"epochs": 2, "batch_size": 128, "verbose": 1}
+ # Predictor wrapper
+ class_predictor = BasePredictor(
+ nn_model, is_trained=False, **compile_kwargs
+ )
+ # LAC
+ lac_cp = LAC(class_predictor)
+ lac_cp.fit(
+ X_fit=X_fit,
+ y_fit=y_fit_cat,
+ X_calib=X_calib,
+ y_calib=y_calib,
+ **fit_kwargs
+ )
+ y_pred, set_pred = lac_cp.predict(X_test, alpha=alpha)
+ assert y_pred is not None
+ # Compute marginal coverage
+ coverage = metrics.classification_mean_coverage(y_test, set_pred)
+ width = metrics.classification_mean_size(set_pred)
+ res = {"cov": np.round(coverage, 2), "size": np.round(width, 2)}
+ assert RESULTS["lac"] == res
"alpha, random_state, rand",
[(0.1, 42, True)],