- uniBlocks.lua - modified 'Arabic Presentation Forms-A' to include a segment of 32 chars 'Non-Characters'
- appConfig.lua - reflect above described change made to uniBlocks.lua
- wxCalc.lua - corrected a mispelled name that would crash the wxCalc, _utf8lup was renamed _utf8lkp in extrastr.lua
- uniBlocks.lua - correct conversion error in Unicode's formula (was wrong with 07f7 in Samaritan)
- wxCalc.lua - same as above
- wxLoupe - same as above
- extrastr.lua - added sanity checks for str_sub_utf_8
- punctuation - folder with functions to scan the Unicode's NameList.txt file and retrieve all punctuation code-points
- extrastr.lua - added str_ispunct_u and Unicode's punctuation list
- unipunct.lua - added to the project
- docs/punctuations.txt - added to the project's documentation
- extrastr.lua - added iterator to extract UTF_8 characters from a line of text