Vanilla is a guidelines framework to help you achieve a consistent look, bringing the Ubuntu and Canonical brands to the web with precision. Here you will find the Ubuntu web style guide and a front-end framework, which you can apply to your web projects maintained by the Canonical Web Team.
Sites created within Canonical should follow this style guide closely, whereas external sites are free to adapt and expand the existing components to their needs.
To get started and see examples go to our design site.
Clone the repository or download it.
Install Node.js (> 2.0
# On Ubuntu:
sudo apt install nodejs nodejs-legacy
curl -L | sudo sh`
Install all other dependencies:
npm install # NodeJS dependencies
Code: Fork us on:
Keep upto date with all new developments and upcoming changes with Vanilla.
- Follow us on Twitter @Ubuntudesigners
- Read our latest blog posts at Canonical Blog
- Talk to the team in IRC on
and join channel#ubuntu-website
Code and documentation copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd. Licencing LGPLv3.