The MovieAnalysis project involves gathering data from APIs and webscraping. After the data was gathered, exploratory data analysis was used to generate insights for making recommendations for the new Microsoft Movies team.
- IMDB website with Beautiful Soup
- with API call
- Genres
- Gross Revenues
- Release Month
- IMDB Ratings
- TMDB Popularity
- Runtime
This graph demonstrates the skewed distribution of gross earnings.
This graph demonstrates the popularity of each genre from the TMDB database. Drama, thriller, and comedy are the three most popular genres based on our findings.
Adventure, family, animation, and action movies are the genres with the largest revenues.
This boxplot demonstrates the IMDB Ratings of each genre. War movies have the highest IMDB ratings as well as the greatest range.
Family movies have the highest TMDB popularity rating, followed by animation movies.
This graph shows the median gross earnings for each genre and month. For example, in November, animation, family, and adventure movies generated the most revenue.
This graph demonstrates the runtime of a movie throughout the last 100 years.