metawarc (pronounced me-ta-warc) is a command line WARC files processing tools.
Its goal is to make CLI interaction with files inside WARC archives so easy as possible.
It provides a simple metawarc
command that allows to extract metadata from images, documents and other files inside
WARC archives.
- Built-in WARC support
- Metadata extraction for a lot of file formats
- Low memory footprint
- Documentation
- Test coverage
- MS Office OLE: .doc, .xls, .ppt
- MS Office XML: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx
- Adobe PDF: .pdf
- Images: .png, .jpg, .tiff, .jpeg, .jp2
A universal installation method (that works on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, …, and always provides the latest version) is to use pip:
# Make sure we have an up-to-date version of pip and setuptools:
$ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
$ pip install --upgrade metawarc
(If pip
installation fails for some reason, you can try
easy_install metawarc
as a fallback.)
Python version 3.6 or greater is required.
$ metawarc [command] [flags] inputfile
See also metawarc --help
and metawarc [command] --help
for help for each command.
Extract metadata of all supported file types from '' and output results to default filename 'metadata.jsonl':
$ metawarc metadata
Extract metadata for .doc and .docx file types from '' and output results to default filename 'metadata.jsonl':
$ metawarc metadata --filetypes doc,docx
Extract metadata for .doc and .docx file types from '' and output results to filename 'digital_meta.jsonl':
$ metawarc metadata --filetypes doc,docx --output digital_meta.jsonl
Extracts metadata from files inside .warc files. Returns JSON lines output for each file found.
Extract metadata for .doc and .docx file types from '' and output results to filename 'digital_meta.jsonl':
$ metawarc metadata --filetypes doc,docx --output digital_meta.jsonl
Returns list of mime mimetypes with stats as number of files and total files size for each mime type. Will be merged or replaced by 'stats' command that uses sqlite db to speed up data processing
Analyzes '' and output results of list of mime types as table to console
$ metawarc analyze
Generates 'metawarc.db' SQLite database with records HTTP metadata. Requred for 'stats' command to calculate stats quickly
Analyzes '' and writes 'metawarc.db' with HTTP metadata.
$ metawarc index
Same as 'analyze' command but uses 'metawarc.db' to speed up data processing. Returns total length and count of records by each mime or file extension.
Processes data in 'metawarc.db' and prints total length and count for each mime
$ metawarc stats -m mimes
Processes data in 'metawarc.db' and prints total length and count for each file extension
$ metawarc stats -m exts
Extracts HTTP headers, WARC headers or text content from WARC file and saves as NDJSON (JSON lines) data file.
Exports http headers from '' and writes as 'headers.jsonl'
$ metawarc export -t headers -o headers.jsonl
Exports WarcIO index from '' and writes as 'data.jsonl' with fields listed in '-f' option.
$ metawarc export -t warcio -f offset,length,filename,http:status,http:content-type,warc-type,warc-target-uri -o data.jsonl
Exports text (HTML) content from '' and writes as 'content.jsonl'
$ metawarc export -t content -o content.jsonl
Prints list of records with id, offset, length and url using 'metawarc.db'. Accepts list of mime types or list of file extensions or query as WHERE clause
Prints all records with mime type (content type) 'application/zip'
$ metawarc list -m 'application/zip'
Prints all records with file extensions 'xls' and 'xlsx'
$ metawarc list -e xls,xlsx
Prints all records with size greater than 10M and file extension 'pdf'
$ metawarc list -q 'content_length > 10000000 and ext = "pdf"'
Dumps records payloads as files using 'metawarc.db' as WARC index. Accepts list of mime types or list of file extensions or query as WHERE clause. Adds CSV file 'records.csv' to the output directory with basic data about each dumped record.
Dumps all records with mime type (content type) 'application/zip' to 'allzip' directory
$ metawarc dump -m 'application/zip' -o allzip
Dumps all records with file extensions 'xls' and 'xlsx' to 'sheets' directory
$ metawarc dump -e xls,xlsx -o sheets
Dumps all records with size greater than 10M and file extension 'pdf' to 'bigpdf' directory
$ metawarc dump -q 'content_length > 10000000 and ext = "pdf"' -o 'bigpdf'