node-exchangerate is a JavaScript wrapper providing daily Forex currency exchange data, via arzzen's It is compatible with Node.js, the browser, and React Native.
Node (yarn and npm)
# Yarn
> yarn add currencyexchanges
> npm i currencyexchanges
<!-- browser and minified browser files are in dist/, download or use a Git file mirror to the raw file -->
<!-- you can also use an npm cdn pointing to dist/currencyexchanges-browser-min.js with 1.1.0+ -->
<script src="/path/to/currencyexchanges-browser.js"></script>
const NodeExr = require("currencyexchanges");
const ExchangeRate = new NodeExr({ primaryCurrency: "GBP" });
(async function () {
await ExchangeRate.getExchangeRate("AUD", "GBP").then(console.log);
<script src="/path/to/currencyexchanges-browser.js"></script>
const ExchangeRates = new NodeExr({ primaryCurrency: "GBP" });
ExchangeRates.getExchangeRate("EUR").then(result => console.log(result));
- 💰 Daily exchange rates for both single and multiple currencies
- ⏰ Historical exchange rates between two time periods
- 📈 Daily fluctuation data exchange rates (start and end rates, percentages for change, etc.)
The index.js file is extremely simple and the comments will help you understand what each function does
When developing with node-exchangerate in supported IDEs, the comments from the index.js file are interpreted by JSDoc to generate notes and documentation regarding functions and their parameters
The example file demonstrates each function with an explanation, an example usage of the function, and its' output (in the comments) of the file.
Basic TypeScript configuration
Rewrite in TypeScript
Use ES instead of CommonJS for module source code
Add ES/CommonJS inoperability