Telegram MTProto API Framework for Python
A wonderful Pyrogram fork inspired by Pyromod & AmanoTeam/Pyrogram
Elegant, modern and asynchronous Telegram MTProto API framework in Python for users and bots
from pyrography import Client, filters
# Creating a client instance to control your bot.
# NOTE: Get your `api_id` and `api_hash` credentials on:
# (optional `bot_token` parameter)
client = Client(
async def ask_user_name(client, message):
# Ask the user age.
asking = message.ask("What's your name?", quote=True)
# Getting ask message and answer message.
# TIP: you can to use `async for` too!
ask, answer = await anext(asking)
# Getting message text.
user_name = answer.text
# Replying message, without quote.
await answer.reply(f'Nice name, {user_name}!', quote=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Starting client and listening for updates.
Pyrography is a modern, elegant and asynchronous MTProto API framework. It enables you to easily interact with the main Telegram API through a user account (custom client) or a bot identity (bot API alternative) using Python.
Pyrography is the only mtproto library currently that when pressing CTRL
+ C
to interrupt the program, it will wait for pending commands to finish, preventing anything from being incomplete.
1. Fast cryptography (TgCrypto)
A Cryptography Library written in C as a Python extension. It is designed to be portable, fast, easy to install and use. TgCrypto is intended for Pyrogram and implements the cryptographic algorithms Telegram requires.
Automatically installed, ignore it.
2. Fast event loop (Uvloop)
A fast, drop-in replacement of the built-in asyncio event loop. uvloop is implemented in Cython and uses libuv under the hood.
Install it, import it and call uvloop.install()
in your main script.
3. Wonderful logging (Rich)
Enabled by default, but you can to disable it setting log_level parameter to logging.NOTSET
On hosting, choose an region close to Miami to your machine.
python3 -m pip install pyrography
python3 -m pip install git+
If you'd like to support the official Pyrogram, you can consider:
- Check out the docs at to learn more about Pyrogram, get started right away and discover more in-depth material for building your client applications.
- Join the official channel at and stay tuned for news, updates and announcements.