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Blind Inpainting with Sparse Directional Parseval Frame Dictionary CNNs

This repository contains the code for our paper:

Blind Image Inpainting with Sparse Directional Filter Dictionaries for Lightweight CNNs,
J. Schmalfuss, E. Scheurer, H. Zeng, N. Karantzas, A. Bruhn and D. Labate
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (JMIV), 2022.

  author  = {Schmalfuss, Jenny and Scheurer, Erik and Zhao, Heng and Karantzas, Nikolaos and Bruhn, Andr\'{e}s and Labate, Demetrio},
  title   = {Blind image inpainting with sparse directional filter dictionaries for lightweight {CNNs}},
  journal = {Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision},
  year    = {2022},
  doi     = {}

If you use the code or parts of it, please cite the above publication.



The code was tested with Python 3.7.7 and the following packages

tensorflow   2.2.0
scipy        1.6.0
matplotlib   3.2.2
scikit-image 0.16.2
tqdm         4.47.0


To recreate the experiments from the paper, please download the Handwriting Inpainting Dataset(s). It is sufficient to only download the zip archives containing the .tfrecords files (not the png versions; saves memory). More precisely, the relevant datasets are called, and, while archives with a contain the same data as png (which is not necessary to run the code). Each dataset has a size of about 240GB.

Training a (Sparse) CNN

On the Full Dataset

After downloading the dataset, a previously specified network can be trained. The available networks are:

  • GBCNN CNN_Specifications/GBCNN.json
  • GBCNN-L CNN_Specifications/GBCNNL.json
  • IRCNN CNN_Specifications/IRCNN.json

See "CNN Architecture Modifications" for constructing further architectures. Training a network is done via

python architecture.json DS/train trainsamples -e DS/test -t testsamples epochs batchsize outpath/ -s -b shufflebuffer -n -p

Replace the arguments above by the following values:

  • architecture.json: Use the path to a network-json specification (see above, GBCNN, GBCNN-L or IRCNN).
  • DS/train: Training data, composed of path to dataset DS, where the subfolder train contains (folders that contain) training .tfrecords files.
  • trainsamples: The number of samples in the training data; 221000 for the full training datasets.
  • -e DS/test: Optional test data, composed of path to dataset DS, where the subfolder test contains (folders that contain) testing .tfrecords files.
  • -t testsamples: Optional (but required when test data specified) number of samples in the test data; 4100 for the full test dataset.
  • epochs: Number of epochs, the paper always uses 100.
  • batchsize: Number samples per batch, the paper uses 10, but may require adapation according to available memory.
  • outpath/: Folder in which the run outputs will be saved. Note that each run creates an own folder in the specified outpath.
  • -s: Optional, this option shuffles the training data.
  • -b shufflebuffer: Optional (only required when -s is specified), the size of the suffle buffer. 6000 was used in the paper.
  • -n: Optional (highly recommended), sorts the datafiles by their number. This yields the same order of tfrecords files for the test dataset, and improves the comparability of test results.
  • -p: Optional, saves the inpainting predictions for the test data after the final training epoch as .npz archives.

GBCNN full training (replace dataset paths)

python CNN_Specifications/GBCNN.json DS/train 221000 -e DS/test -t 4100 100 10 Results/ -s -b 6000 -n -p

GBCNN-L full training (replace dataset paths)

python CNN_Specifications/GBCNNL.json DS/train 221000 -e DS/test -t 4100 100 10 Results/ -s -b 6000 -n -p

IRCNN full training (replace dataset paths)

python CNN_Specifications/IRCNN.json DS/train 221000 -e DS/test -t 4100 100 10 Results/ -s -b 6000 -n -p

Reduced Dataset Sizes

To reproduce the performance evaluation over the training set size on different occlusion splits (Fig. 7 in Paper), the above evaluations can be limited to a certain amount of training data via the maximal number of used tfrecords shards -m or --maxshards. Here it is mandatory to also specify the -n (sort shards) option, because sorting them will make sure that the right fraction of the shards are taken. It is also necessary to adapt the trainsamples according to the number of shards. The table below summarizes which number of shards leads to which number of training samples:

trainsamples 10 100 1.000 10.000
--maxshards 1 10 19 28

These values can then be added to the training call:

python architecture.json DS/train/train00 trainsamples -e DS/test/test00 -t testsamples epochs batchsize outpath/ -s -b shufflebuffer -n -p -m maxshards

As datasets, do not use the generic DS/train folders, but the more specific DS/train/train00, DS/train/train05, DS/train/train10, DS/train/train15 or DS/train/train20 subfolders, which contain only images with a certain coverage range. In the range 20-25% (DS/train/train20), only 1.000 samples are available, hence evaluating with 28 shards is not possible.

CNN Architecture Modifications

This repository contains the architectures for GBCNN, GBCNN-L and IRCNN in the CNN_Specifications folder. To recreate the experiments from the publication that also used other architectures, a new json file for this network must be created. Note that the implementation only supports architectures with 6 layers.

To create the architectures from the paper, start with the architecture CNN_Specifications/IRCNN.json, and replace the convolutional layers ("type": "conv") by SDPF layers ("type": "sdpf") whenever required. Note, that the sdpf layers only support 5x5 filters, hence all layers except the third one (which has a 1x1 conv) can be replaced.

Output Data

Each time is called, a new experiment folder is created within the specified outpath. These folders follow the naming scheme <time>_CNN_<architecture>, where the architecture may be B5r-C5r-C1r-C5r-C5r-C5s (GBCNN), B5r-B5r-C1r-C5r-C5r-C5s (GBCNN-L) or C5r-C5r-C1r-C5r-C5r-C5s (IRCNN).

Each experiment folder contains a dataLogger.json, containing data that was collected during the training, and the folders checkpoints for model checkpoints, layerfilters which contains the filters for each layer after the training and optionally endpredictions with the final predictions (if the -p option was specified):

    ⮡ <time>_CNN_<architecture>
        ⮡ checkpoints
        ⮡ layerfilters
        ⮡ endpredictions [only if -p was specified]


By default, checkpoints are saved after every 10 epochs.


Contains .npy files with the learned filters (sparse or fully convolutional) after the full training. Sparse directional Parseval frame filters are called Filter-X_conv2d_lc.npy, convolutional filters are Filter-X_conv2d.npy


If the final predictions were saved (-p option specified), the endpredictions folder is created and contains all final predictions in endpredictions.npz.


We thank kazemSafari for the implementation. If you are interested to use sparse filter combinations with your pytorch implementation, check out this Github repository.