#Cube Category Featured Products Widget Cube Category Featured Products is a widget/block which lets you show featured products with the option to group by category
- Magento -
Copy the app
and skin
directories into your Magento installation
###CMS Pages
- Login to your Magento admin
- Go to CMS > Pages
- Select the page you want to use
- Click the
tab - In the WYSIWYG Editor, click the Insert Widget button (for me it's top row, second from the left)
- As Widget Type select
Cube Websites - Category Featured Products
- Configure your Widget using the available options
Frontend Template
- Displays the products grouped by the category they belong in
- Displays all the products in a single block with no grouping
Categories (only applies if Categorised Frontend Template is selected)
The categories to select products from
Number of Products
If Categorised
- the number of products from each category
If Mixed
- the total number of products
Products Per Row
How many products will be displayed on each row in the frontend
Products to Display
- Displays featured products only
- Displays all available products
Featured Attribute Code (optional)
By default this is cube_category_featured but if you've created your own featured attribute code then you can use that instead.
###Within your template
Open your favourite text editor
Within find the Layout XML you want to add the block to within the app/design/frontend directory
In your .xml file, add the following in the relevant position
<block type="categoryfeatured/list" name="featured_products" as="featuredProducts" template="categoryfeatured/block.phtml"> <action method="setData"><name>categories</name><value>1,2,3,4</value></action> <action method="setData"><name>num_products</name><value>4</value></action> <action method="setData"><name>products_per_row</name><value>4</value></action> <action method="setData"><name>product_type</name><value>featured</value></action> <action method="setData"><name>featured_code</name><value>cube_category_featured</value></action> </block>
- Displays the products grouped by the category they belong in
- Displays all the products in a single block with no grouping
categories (only applies if categoryfeatured/block.phtml template is selected)
The categories to select products from (comma separated)
If categoryfeatured/block.phtml
- the number of products from each category
If categoryfeatured/mixed.phtml
- the total number of products
How many products will be displayed on each row in the frontend
- Displays featured products only
- Displays all available products
featured_code (optional)
By default this is cube_category_featured but if you've created your own featured attribute code then you can use that instead.
If you need to output the block in a certain location of your template, then make sure you include the following in your .phtml file
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('featuredProducts') ?>
- Compatibility
2.0 Major Upgrade
- Massive code rewrite
- Made to work with Magento
- Added caching
- Updated mixed template
- Removed styles which reduced flexibility for users (overriding default font colours)
- Auto-creation of Featured Attribute
- Allows Review display
- Added Add to Cart button
- Included minimal prices
- Applied filters to only fetch products from current store
- Display path to categories to make category selection easier on multi-store installation
- Created documentation
- Bug fixes
1.0 Initial Release