title |
Assignments |
All assignments are due by 23:59 EDT (i.e., Virginia's local time, before midnight) on their corresponding posted dates. Late assignments lose 3 points for every 24 hours they are late unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor.
* Assignments are subject to change!
{%- assign active_assignments = site.data.assignments | where_exp:"item", "item.dormant != true" %}
{%- assign regular_assignments = active_assignments | where_exp:"item", "item.extra != true" %} {%- for assignment in regular_assignments %} {% include card.md item=assignment type="assignment" %} {%- endfor %}
Opportunities to earn extra points will be made available on a rolling basis during the semester.
{%- assign extra_assignments = active_assignments | where: 'extra', true %} {%- for assignment in extra_assignments %} {% include card.md item=assignment type="assignment" %} {%- endfor %}