A simple Electron app with Polymer2.0 Starter Kit.
- open PowerShell
- set your personal access token
- run release command
PS> $env:GH_TOKEN="githubPersonalToken" ;
PS> npm run release
remember to set the
every time you restart your pc.
- open PowerShell
- run electron-builder create-self-signed-cert form the .bin directory
- and pass a publisher name with -p
Because is a self cert there is no need to create it with password. If so just leave password blank by pressing
PS> .\node_modules\.bin\electron-builder create-self-signed-cert -p publisherName
PS> $env:WIN_CSC_LINK="C:\path\to\publisherName.pfx" ;
PS> $env:WIN_CSC_KEY_PASSWORD="password" ;
if password contains special chars you have to escape them.