This is a integration example of Graphene in Pyramid.
All the models and fixtures are based in the original swapi project.
The schema can be found in starwars/
For filters, SQLAlchemy doesnt support graphene filters so graphene sql alchemy filter
You can also have your own GraphQL Starwars example running on locally. Just run the following commands and you'll be all set!
git clone
cd swapi-pyramid
# Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv env && export ENV=./env
# Install the requirements
$ENV/bin/pip install -r requirements_base.txt
# Install in development mode
$ENV/bin/pip install -e .
# Initialize the database with fixtures
$ENV/bin/initialize_db development.ini
# Start server
$ENV/bin/pserve development.ini --reload
Visit localhost:6543/graphql
# Run tests with logging enabled
$ENV/bin/py.test ./starwars/tests/ -s
# Run tests and update snapshots
$ENV/bin/py.test ./starwars/tests/ -s --snapshot-update