A simple iOS app to demonstrate Machine Learning capabilities using Core ML and Vision framework.
- iOS 11 for all features
- Xcode 9
- Download the Inceptionv3.mlmodel file from the below url and put it inside the Resource folder.
On Showcase:
- Machine Learning sample (image recognition).
- Face recognition using Vision Framework.
- Text recognition using Vision Framework.
Run the app and select an image from gallery or camera. App uses Inceptionv3.mlmodel (https://docs-assets.developer.apple.com/coreml/models/Inceptionv3.mlmodel) to process image. Detect the whole face using VNDetectFaceRectanglesRequest.
To detect specific facial landmarks like face contour, eyes, eyebrow, nose, lips with outer lips and others, use: VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest
As you can see the model is not exactly 100% correct and still has miles to cover!