Location: STLC 114.
Time: Tues, Thurs from 7:15 - 8:45 P.M.
Note: the first two weeks of the quarter will be instructed entirely online.
This course emphasizes the design of robust, performant, portable, and extensible code.
The course will work from the C++ programming language. Students will work on a variety of programming projects, from small data transformation utilities to more complex and scalable systems. Along the way, students will learn to use a variety of practicable tools useful for software design. Perhaps most importantly, students will get a clearer picture of how to piece together the right tools and approaches to solve a given problem.
Complexity will be managed through abstraction; analytical tools will evaluate the efficiency of design choices.
The class has two lectures each week, in addition to weekly assignments. The assignments alternate between short-answer Q/A and more involved programming projects. All lectures will be held between 7:15 P.M. - 8:45 P.M. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As of this writing, the first two weeks of the course are planned to be taught remotely through Canvas (with in person instruction tentatively resuming in week three).
You can expect to work hard and be challenged by this course, but your effort can really pay off. Students anecdotally report that CME 212 often greatly impacts what they are able to accomplish during their summer internships and upon graduation.
There are three subcomponents to this course, that are each important in their own right.
- The core lecture materials will emphasize C++ language fundamentals.
- The homework assignments will instill upon you practical software development techniques.
- The interview questions we will go over are designed to prepare you for your journey beyond graduate school.
This term we will be using Ed for class discussion. We ask that you pose questions here such that other students may learn from the answers the TAs (or other students) post. In fact, we reserve the right to allocate a (very small, but strictly positive) bonus to student(s) who consistently answer questions in ways that are officially endorsed by the instructor!
- We will use the CME 212 Canvas page to share class-related files.
- You can find our Ed discussion page [here] (https://edstem.org/us/courses/16712/discussion/).
- Andreas Santucci (santucci at stanford)
Teaching Assistants:
- Frederic Ladouceur (ladouceu at stanford)
- Aasavari Kakne (adkakne at stanford)
- Matteo Santamaria (msantama at stanford)
- Axel Peytavin (peytavin at stanford)
Office hours will be held virtually for the first two weeks of the course, after which we plan to resume in-person instruction in addition to office hours. The hours will be announced after the first week of instruction. Andreas will hold office hours on Thursdays, virtually on Zoom (in his "personal" meeting room), from 12:05 P.M. - 12:50 P.M.
The TAs know the homework assignments and exercise sets inside out. If you have questions there, you should ask them. On the other hand, I (Andreas) crafted the lecture notes and selected the practice interview problems, so if you have questions about that material, please utilize my office hours. Choosing between asking TAs or the lecturer judiciously can help us utilize our limited resources more efficiently.
Upon completion of this course, students should:
Possess mastery of
- writing performant C++ programs;
- understanding of data representation, the lifetime of objects, and complex use of memory and pointers;
- applying design principles to the decomposition of software into reusable components.
Achieve competency in
- identifying bottlenecks and improving runtime performance;
- writing portable programs.
Have exposure to
- writing programs that respect the limitations of computer arithmetic;
- the process of designing and implementing larger software systems;
- how to approach an existing piece of software for maintenance, extension, and modification.
- basic software development tools, including revision control, testing frameworks, and documentation tools;
In summary, we want to help you learn to design scalable software to support scientific experimentation.
Students are expected to have programming experience at the level of CME 211 or CS 106B. E.g. students should have understanding of programming constructs such as loops, functions, standard data types, basic data structures, and classes; more colloquially, students should already "know how to code".
In addition, we will be focused on Linux based tools, and to that end expect that you already possess some computing systems knowledge, e.g. basic underpinnings of the compilation and linking process of a C++ program. This material is covered, for example, in Lecture 14 of CME 211.
You should have, or we hope to help you develop, an appreciation for the intrinsic value of good engineering and design. We expect you to produce well-decomposed, readable code. All graded coursework is focused on C++. You may find numerous examples online of style guidelines, e.g. Google C++ Style Guide
The course is aimed at students with a background in a scientific discipline who will not typically have a traditional computer science background (though basic programming knowledge is assumed as a prerequisite). We hope to attract students from social sciences, medicine, and humanities. Of course, computer science and engineering students alike are still welcome and encouraged to take the course if it fits their needs.
The class will be organized as a sequence of topic areas, each centered around a set of tools and a motivating project. Students will complete a series of 5 programming assignments. On alternating weeks, students will tackle a series of 5 short-answer assignments. There will not be a final exam this year, due to the added stress that we are all undergoing as a result of the global pandemic: I wish to be compassionate and understand that adding the stressor of a final exam is not necessarily conducive to learning.
- Pointers, arrays, strings
- Memory management
- Abstractions and naming
- Templates and STL
- Inheritance and polymorphism
- Operator overloading
- Encapsulation, classes, namespaces
- Constructors and destructors
- Tools: UNIX, Git, Make, C++
- Specifications
- Complexity and correctness
- Program, loop, and representation invariants
- Type systems
- Abstract data types and abstract program values
- Consistency and replication
- Tools: Introduction to analysis and documentation, unit testing/verification
- Documentation and design
- Source code control
- Iterative development and code reviews (in the form of homework feedback)
- Documentation
- Tools: DOxygen
- Performance and optimization
- Parallelism, multithreaded applications and concurrency
- Regular expressions
- Tools: Introduction to GDB, valgrind, cachegrind (profiling optimization).
The course grade breakdown will be:
- 65% programming assignments (5 homeworks on 2 week intervals)
- 35% conceptual exercises (5 exercise sets throughout quarter)
Note that you must pass each part of the course in order to pass the course; i.e. failing the programming assignments (when considered in union), or failing the conceptual exercises (when considered in union) are considered grounds for not passing the course.
- Each student is allowed 3 homework late days over the quarter on homework assignments (note: this policy does not apply to exercise sets). Homework assignments are typically due Fridays at 4:30 P.M. P.S.T., and exercise sets will typically be due on Tuesdays at 4:30 P.M. P.S.T. Students are allowed to use a maximum of 2 late days per homework assignment. For homework assignments only, students may use their late days on the subsequent Saturday and Sunday. No late work will be accepted after 11:59pm on the Sunday following the due date. Here's the way it works: if you submit your assignment anywhere between 4:31 P.M. P.S.T. on Friday and 11:59 P.M. P.S.T. on Saturday, that counts as 1 late day (yes you read that right, you get an extra couple hours leeway on your first late day); submitting anytime between 12:00 A.M. and 11:59 P.M. on Sunday counts as 2 late days used. We emphasize that this rule does not apply to the exercise assignments (EX0, etc). Late exercises are not accepted. These policies are in place to ensure the TAs a chance to grade your homeworks in an efficient manner and to keep students from falling behind.
- Each student is granted 3 non-valid regrade requests. Unused regrade requests will be translated to a small amount of bonus points at the end of the quarter. A regrade request is only counted as used if the points were not awarded to the student. Regrade requests are made by submitting a GitHub issue in the homework submission repository and tagging or assigning the TA who graded the homework (not to be confused with the TA who pushed the homework feedback); you can find the TA who graded your feedback at the bottom of your homework feedback file.
If you have an emergency that requires both medical attention and a course accommodation, please get in touch with the Office of Accessible Education as soon as possible to request a formal accommodation. If there is an emergency within your family that requires your attention and a course accommodation, please get in touch with the Graduate Life Office as soon as possible to establish documentation. While pursuing these steps, please also get in touch with me (Andreas) as soon as possible; I aim to be compassionate and wish to work with you to facilitate a healthy learning experience. Although not all situations can be accommodated, many students have had success using these avenues in the past.
For each homework assignment (except hw0), students will be given access to a Peercode repository which contains the pseudo-anonymized code of their classmates. The intent is that students learn from each other; the Peercode repository is not intended to be used as a convinient tool for plagiarism. It is acceptble for students to replicate the design found in other students' code through the Peercode repository (e.g. one student could re-use the same data structures as another student to store node and edge data). It is not acceptable for students to literally copy code from the Peercode repository and paste it in their own. See the Honor Code section below.
The lecture material will be hosted online on Canvas; if you're curious to read more details, you can check out some of the following resources:
A great primer on C++ is available on the Stanford e-library, and would serve as a great complement to course lecture notes: Lippman, Lajoie, Moo. "C++ Primer, 5th edition"
Another reference we will use in this course is an excellent book by Sutter and Alexandrescu "C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices", also available on the Stanford e-library.
The lecture notes themselves will be largely based off Bjarne Stroustrup's fantastic text, "The C++ Programming Language", 4th edition.
There are a myriad of resources that will become (more) accessible to you as you progress through the course. Some additional references you may enjoy:
- Algorithms: Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein. Introduction to Algorithms
- Systems architecture: Bryant and O'Hallaron. Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective
- Design: Gamma, et. al. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
- Pragmatic advice: Thomas Hunt. The Pragmatic Programmer
- Software engineering advice: Parnas. Software Fundamentals
- Human elements of software engineering: Broos. The Mythical Man Month and The Design of Design.
- Systems design: Waldo. On System Design., and Lampson. Hints on System Design.
You are welcome to discuss the course's material and homework with others in order to better understand it, but the work you turn in must be your own unless collaboration is explicitly allowed. You may not submit the same or similar work to this course that you have submitted or will submit to another.
You must acknowledge any source code that was not written by you by mentioning the original author(s) directly in your source code (comment or header). You can also acknowledge sources in a README.txt file if you used whole classes or libraries. Do not remove any original copyright notices and headers.
Making your work available for copy by other students is also prohibited (unless the assignment explicitly allows collaboration). Violations of the Stanford Honor Code and Fundamental Standard will be forwarded to the Stanford University Office of Community Standards.
This computer science website has a good explanation of the honor code as it relates to courses involving significant amounts of computer programming:
Note that we will use special computer software to assist us in detecting plagiarism:
If you are having difficulty completing an assignment please contact a TA or the instructor so that we may help you. We would much rather spend time helping you than dealing with honor code violations.
- Speaking with peers about problem sets in English (or any spoken language of your choice).
- Whiteboarding solutions to problem sets with others using diagrams or pseudocode, but not actual code.
Since this is an advanced course in programming, we expect that you should be able to (learn to) debug programs on your own. E.g. asking another student to directly look at your code and give suggestions for improvement starts to get into murky waters.
- Accessing a solution to a problem prior to submitting your own. This includes solutions from prior years (staff/student) as well as this year (e.g. a fellow students finished program)
- Failing to cite code that you borrow outside the course notes.
- Showing your code to a student who is struggling with theirs.
Students who may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a different learning ability must initiate the request with the Office of Accessible Education (OAE). Professional staff will evaluate the request with required documentation, recommend reasonable accommodations, and prepare an Accommodation Letter for faculty dated in the current quarter in which the request is made. Students should contact the OAE as soon as possible since timely notice is needed to coordinate accommodations. Information about the OAE may be found at: http://studentaffairs.stanford.edu/oae.
Note that at the end of each year, we must purge student repositories from the Github virtual classroom we use and to that end, if you wish to retain a copy of your codes you should make a private backup repository (outside of the Github 212 classroom, and within your own personal set of repositories) at the end of the quarter. Note that the repo must be private else it will be a violation of the honor code.