- Run off virtual machine provided by Duke
- Run off Saxon server from Stats
- Run off student laptops (multi-platform or using VirtualBox)
- Run off AWS EC2 instances
Regular lessons at least dual-core processors and 2 GB RAM
HPC lessons (probably on AWS)
- NVidia GPU capability + CUDA + OpenCL
- At least 4 cores for multi-core processing
- A cluster with Hadoop/Spark capabilities (AWS)
- bash shell
- Chrome browser
- LLVM clang and clang++
- Fortran compiler
- Matlab
- Octave
- Julia (and the IJulia module)
- R
- Anaconda Python
- installs in home directory (admin privileges not needed)
- IPython extensions
- fortran magic
- ipyBibtex
- Bitey
- Matlab
- sql
- Module version information
- Pip installable Python modules (multiple)
- Do not need admin privileges (installed in home directory)