- version control
- 👭 promotes collaboration
- 🏭 industry standard
- 🌎 language inlusive
- 🛠 interfaces with other tools (testing and deployment platforms)
- 💸 free (and open source)
- git / Github: Github: github.com (ie a hosting service). Git is a tool/system for version control management.
- repository (repo): directory or group of files
- local / remote: the copy of code on your machine vs the copy that is hosted
- pull request (pr): a request to merge changes into a different branch
- diff: the changes made from one version compared to another
- master: default branch
- branch: a copy of the repository which you can diff against the master branch
- fork / clone Cloning is still connected to the original remote. Forking makes a copy so a full copy of the repo with a new master branch is saved under your username.
git clone <repo>
git checkout -b <branch_name>
git branch
git status
git diff
git add
git commit -m 'useful message about the commit'
git push origin <branch name>
- 🌴 always work on a branch
- make PRs
- 🕵️♀️ how to troubleshoot: 1. ask colleagues/collaborators 2. google it
- get reviews
- 📖 make a useful readme and keep it updated
- thoughtfully bundle your commits 🤔
- add useful commit messages, even for 'insignificant' changes
- commit often
- demonstration
- 👯 Try cloning or forking my repo
- Can you find and correct my typo(s) 🤦♂️