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A python library for generate ida pro files in batch mode & compare executable files use bindiff in batch mode.


  1. Fast generate idb/i64 files from binary files in batch mode (Multiprocess supported) generate_idb
  2. IDA Pro Plugin Script support
  3. Use Bindiff for batch comparison of idb files
  4. Roughly read the comparison results bia_result


  • Windows environment or Linux wine environment
  • IDA pro 7.7/8.3
  • BinDiff 7/8 (Optional, used to compare executable files in batch mode)


pip install --upgrade batch-ida



Generate .idb/.i64 files (and run plugin) in batch mode.

from batch_ida import BI_IDA

# create a BI_IDA object with ida pro path
bi = BI_IDA('C:\Tools\IDA Pro')
# if you use wine in linux, you can set use_wine=True
# bi = BI_IDA('\home\Tools\IDA Pro', use_wine=True)

# optional
# bi.set_script(r'.\')   # run IDA script
# bi.max_subprocess = 8                   # set max subprocess

bi.batch_idb_fromdir('your/binary/files/dir')   # generate idb files from binary files


Compare files in dir_a & dir_b, and move different files to dst_a & dst_b.

from batch_ida import BI_Dircmp

dir_a = r'ver_A.rom/squashfs-root/usr/lib/'
dir_b = r'ver_B.rom/squashfs-root/usr/lib/'

dst_a = r'compare/ver_A'
dst_b = r'compare/ver_B'

bid = BI_Dircmp(dir_a, dir_b, dst_a, dst_b)


Generate .idb and .bindiff files in batch mode. (Windows only)

from batch_ida import BI_Bindiff

bib = BI_Bindiff()

# Set ida pro and bindiff path
bib.set_ida_path('C:\Tools\IDA Pro')
bib.set_bindiff_path('C:\Program Files\BinDiff')

dst_a = r'compare/ver_A'
dst_b = r'compare/ver_B'
# dst_a and dst_b are the directories where the binary files to be compared are located
output = bib.batch_bindiff(dst_a, dst_b)
# output is a directory containing bindiff files(sqlite3)


Analyze Bindiff files (sqlite3 file format) in batch mode and print the results.

from batch_ida import BI_Analyzer

bia = BI_Analyzer(r'path\to\output_dir')

# let's print the diff files with similarity < 0.95 and != 0.0
print("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % ("SIM", "CONF", "TOTAL", "FUNC", "LIBFUNC", "NAME"))
info_list = bia.get_info_list()
for i in info_list:
    if i['total_func'] & i['func_dif'] & i['libfunc_dif']:
        print("%.02f\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s" % (i['similarity'], i['confidence'], i['total_func'], i['func_dif'], i[
            "libfunc_dif"], i['name']))
    elif i['similarity'] < 0.95 and i['similarity'] != 0.0:
        print("%.02f\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s" % (i['similarity'], i['confidence'], i['total_func'], i['func_dif'], i[
            "libfunc_dif"], i['name']))