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Blueprint Validation

The Toolkit contains "validator" functions that perform basic tests of the blueprint to ensure that deployment variables are valid and that the HPC environment can be provisioned in your Google Cloud project. To succeed, validators need the following services to be enabled in your blueprint project(s):

  • Compute Engine API (
  • Service Usage API (

One can explicitly define validators, however, the expectation is that the implicit behavior will be useful for most users. When implicit, a validator is added if all deployment variables matching its inputs are defined. Validators that have no inputs are always enabled by default because they do not require any specific deployment variable.

Each validator is described below:

  • test_project_exists
    • Inputs: project_id (string)
    • PASS: if project_id is an existing Google Cloud project and the active credentials can access it
    • FAIL: if project_id is not an existing Google Cloud project or the active credentials cannot access the Google Cloud project
    • If Compute Engine API is not enabled, this validator will fail and provide the user with instructions for enabling it
    • Manual test: gcloud projects describe $(vars.project_id)
  • test_apis_enabled
    • Inputs: none; reads whole blueprint to discover required APIs for project(s)
    • PASS: if all required services are enabled in each project
    • FAIL: if project_id is not an existing Google Cloud project or the active credentials cannot access the Google Cloud project
    • If Service Usage API is not enabled, this validator will fail and provide the user with instructions for enabling it
    • Manual test: gcloud services list --enabled --project $(vars.project_id)
  • test_region_exists
    • Inputs: region (string)
    • PASS: if region exists and is accessible within the project
    • FAIL: if region does not exist or is not accessible within the project
    • Typical failures involve simple typos
    • Manual test: gcloud compute regions describe $(vars.region) --project $(vars.project_id)
  • test_zone_exists
    • Inputs: zone (string)
    • PASS: if zone exists and is accessible within the project
    • FAIL: if zone does not exist or is not accessible within the project
    • Typical failures involve simple typos
    • Manual test: gcloud compute zones describe $( --project $(vars.project_id)
  • test_zone_in_region
    • Inputs: zone (string), region (string)
    • PASS: if zone and region exist and the zone is part of the region
    • FAIL: if either region or zone do not exist or the zone is not within the region
    • Common failure: changing 1 value but not the other
    • Manual test: gcloud compute regions describe us-central1 --format="text(zones)" --project $(vars.project_id)
  • test_module_not_used
    • Inputs: none; reads whole blueprint
    • PASS: if all instances of use keyword pass matching variables
    • FAIL: if any instances of use keyword do not pass matching variables
  • test_deployment_variable_not_used
    • Inputs: none; reads whole blueprint
    • PASS: if all deployment variables are automatically or explicitly used in blueprint
    • FAIL: if any deployment variable is unused in the blueprint

Explicit validators

Validators can be overwritten and supplied with alternative input values, however they are limited to the set of functions defined above. As an example, the default validators added when project_id, region, and zone are defined is:

  - validator: test_module_not_used
    inputs: {}
  - validator: test_deployment_variable_not_used
    inputs: {}
  - validator: test_project_exists
      project_id: $(vars.project_id)
  - validator: test_apis_enabled
    inputs: {}
  - validator: test_region_exists
      project_id: $(vars.project_id)
      region: $(vars.region)
  - validator: test_zone_exists
      project_id: $(vars.project_id)
      zone: $(
  - validator: test_zone_in_region
      project_id: $(vars.project_id)
      region: $(vars.region)
      zone: $(

Skipping or disabling validators

There are three methods to disable configured validators:

  • Set skip value in validator config:
- validator: test_apis_enabled
  inputs: {}
  skip: true
  • Use skip-validators CLI flag:
./ghpc create ... --skip-validators="test_project_exists,test_apis_enabled"

Validation levels

They can also be set to 3 differing levels of behavior using the command-line --validation-level flag for the create and expand commands:

  • "ERROR": If any validator fails, the deployment directory will not be written. Error messages will be printed to the screen that indicate which validator(s) failed and how.
  • "WARNING" (default): The deployment directory will be written even if any validators fail. Warning messages will be printed to the screen that indicate which validator(s) failed and how.
  • "IGNORE": Do not execute any validators, even if they are explicitly defined in a validators block or the default set is implicitly added.

For example, this command will set all validators to WARNING behavior:

./ghpc create --validation-level WARNING examples/hpc-slurm.yaml

The flag can be shortened to -l as shown below using IGNORE to disable all validators.

./ghpc create -l IGNORE examples/hpc-slurm.yaml