This document contains the evolutions planned in 2024.
- Non-regression tests
- Continuous integration in GitHub
- Connvert Markdown to ODT in reports
- Migrate to Metro5 or Bootstrap
- Configure scoring system
- Migration script from ISO 27001:2013 to ISO 27001:2022
- Manage non-conformities
- Improve action plan with status (%)
- Dark theme (
- Import Security Controls from OSCAL
- Code Quality controls
- Database search tool
- ISO 27002:2022 - update metrics based on the new version of ISO 27002
- Attributes (tags) - add attributes on security measures
- Improve test data generation
- User documentation
- Implement import/export of controls
- Fix column sort with date
- Send email notification to users for carrying out controls
- Introduce controls by scope
- Report of applicable/non-applicable controls by scope