UART interface to a block ram in the Tang Nano 9k FPGA. No pin connections needed, just use the USB UART.
I have updated the RTL and Python to adapt to almost any FPGA board with a USB UART. I have tested this on Tang Nano, Tang Nano 9k and CMOD A7. Each board has a unique oscillator frequency (clock input to the FPGA), unique USB UART max baudrate, unique button name and unique LED pins. The top-level (in this case will contain all the unique names and will pass parameter details to the uart_blockram_top instance. The python code needs to be updated to have the correct number of address bits, address bytes and baudrate. Max baudrate for Tang Nano is 1Mbit/s, Tang Nano 9k is 3Mbit/s and CMOD A7 is 12Mbit/s. Max block ram available is also different for each FPGA (which is why address bits and address bytes are configurable).
pip3 install pyserial
Up to 127 separate memories/register-maps supported (SLAVE_ID<6:0>). Number of address bytes is configurable.