A small tool to retrieve statistics about chat messages from livestreams and past broadcasts from YouTube, Twitch or Reddit.
This application requires Python 3, Flask and the Chat-Downloader. If you already have python, you can install the rest with the following commands:
pip install Flask
pip install chat-downloader
Alternatively, you can build a docker container for the app with the following command:
docker-compose build
Execute the script chatstats.py to start a server on port 5000:
python chatstats.py
Or start the docker container:
docker-compose up -d
Then open up your favorite browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000.
On the index page you will be asked to enter a URL of a livestream or past broadcast from YouTube, Twitch or Reddit.
After gathering the chat messages from the given stream, a top 10 statistic of the most frequent chat messages will be shown. Only the most recent message from each user is counted.
This is particularly useful when a question is asked during a livestream and you want to know which answer is given most frequently.
Maybe there will be more statistics someday.
Many thanks to all contributors of the following projects: