This module allows you to pass simple one-liner messages or hashtables of information to an Incoming Webhook configured in a channel within Microsoft Teams.
- Passing Hashtables doesn't like values which are an array Think this is due to having to convert to string for the JSON conversion
For posting messages to an Incoming Webhook within a Microsoft Teams channel.
New-TeamsMessage -Message 'test message for teams' -Color Red
Passing Details information requires a hashtable of key / value pairs and can be created with the following
$info = [ordered]@{
Enabled = $true
givenname = 'Brett'
emailaddress = ''
surname = 'Miller'
New-TeamsMessage -Title 'This A Test Post To Teams' -Text 'This is the Text on the card' -ActivityTitle 'This works pretty well' -ActivitySubtitle 'Formatting is pretty good too' -Information $info -Color Green
$params = @{
Title = 'Title of the Connector Card'
Text = 'Text of the Connector Card'
ActivityTitle = 'Activity title of the card'
ActivitySubtitle = 'Activity Subtitle of the card'
Facts = $info
color = 'green'
webhookuri = $uri
New-TeamsMessage @params
As above but specify the Button
Parameter using a ScriptBlock
New-TeamsMessage @params -Button {
Button -ButtonType TextInput -ButtonName 'Leave a Comment' -TargetURI ''
Button -ButtonType DateInput -ButtonName 'Choose a Date' -TargetURI ''
Button -ButtonType HttpPost -ButtonName 'POST Stuff' -TargetURI ''
Button -ButtonType OpenURI -ButtonName 'Open Me :)' -TargetURI ''
Images can be added as an array of URI's
$params = @{
Title = 'Title of the Connector Card'
Text = 'Text of the Connector Card'
ActivityTitle = 'Activity title of the card'
ActivitySubtitle = 'Activity Subtitle of the card'
Facts = $info
Image = '',''
color = 'green'
webhookuri = $uri
New-TeamsMessage @params -Button {
Button -ButtonType TextInput -ButtonName 'Leave a Comment' -TargetURI ''
Button -ButtonType DateInput -ButtonName 'Choose a Date' -TargetURI ''
Button -ButtonType HttpPost -ButtonName 'POST Stuff' -TargetURI ''
Button -ButtonType OpenURI -ButtonName 'Open Me :)' -TargetURI ''