Studying Electronics and Robotics with PICO, is a project of Robot based on Raspberry PI Pico board. This code use two PWM Slice, both channels for each slice, one of which with inverted logic, are used to control a DRV8833 that drives the two DC motors.
I used to make the Robot, one of those kits that can be found for a few euro on almost all online stores. The kit contains everything you need, the base, the motors, the wheels and the wheel. I added a top made with PVC to house the battery in the lower floor, but other solutions can be found in this regard.
For the power supply of the Robot I used a power bank with two outputs, one of which is connected to the Raspberry PI PICO, via the micro USB connector. For the other output, I used an old USB cable that I connected directly to the breadboard, to supply the 5V voltage to the motor driver. NOTE: I suggest to use for the power supply of the motors, a power bank that provides more than 1A at the output.
To simplify as much as possible, the realization of the Robot, the circuit is mounted on a bread-board. In the image below you can see the assebly schema.
In the next table the connection between PICO and DRV8833:
GPIO 0 | IN2 |
GPIO 1 | IN1 |
GPIO 2 | IN4 |
GPIO 3 | IN3 |
Other connection of DRV33:
DRV8833 | Motors | USB Power Bank |
VCC | USB 5V Power | |
GND | USB Power GND | |
OUT 1 | Right Motor | |
OUT 2 | Right Motor | |
OUT 3 | Left Motor | |
OUT 4 | Left Motor |
Connection between HC-SR04 and PICO:
HC-SR04 | Direction | PICO GPIO | USB Power Bank |
Trigger | < | GPIO 4 | - |
Echo | > | GPIO 5 (*) | - |
VCC | - | - | USB 5V Power |
GND | - | - | USB Power GND |
Simply follow this istructions:
$ git clone
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ PICO_SDK_PATH=~/pico/pico-sdk/
$ cmake ..
$ make
The PICO_SDK_PATH is the path where you have cloned the SDK, if you followed the official guide the path in the example is correct.