All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- fixed battery widget width
- fixed initWidget function in battery module
- new build and update algorithm for menu bar
- added view with empty text in popup when no active module
- changed the source for battery charging information
- changed battery widget percentage view
- fixed values visibility in network widget
- fixed parsing data from top output in cpu and memory reader
- CPU hyperthreading mode disabled by default in bar chart widget
- added view for CPU module
- added view for Memory module
- added view for Battery module
- changed the menu item with preferences to list
- improved widgets draw algorithm
- implemented view for modules with charts and some information
- moved from own implementation to LauncAtLogin library
- fixed a lot of bugs
- changed version checker logic
- module settings are unavailable if the module is turned off
- fixed battery module visibility when disabled
- fixed network text widget visibility
- moved to swift 5
- fixed start on boot
- fixed start on boot button
- changed the weight of some fonts
- small changes in Widgets structure
- widgets settings moved from modules to widgets
- fixed Bar chart visibility on start
- small changes in Widget protocol
- appStore mode added
- fixed few bugs
- added hyperthreading mode in Bar Chart for CPU
- fixed few bugs
- fixed CPU usage
- added chart bar widget for CPU, Memory and Disk module
- label in Charts are enabled by default
- color and label option are visible only if available in selected widget
- fixed few bugs
- fixed bug when widgets don't display properly (or don't shows at all)
- initialized bar chart widget
- fixed few bugs
- new icon
- small code refactoring
- changed font style name of the indicator in the Chart/Chart with value
- added dock icon visibility to preferences
- moved color and label preference from global to local (now each module can be configurated separately)
- now check for updates on start can be disabled in preferences
- fixed few bugs
- fully automated build and sign app process
- fixed update and about visibility window in dark mode
- added name of the indicators in the Chart/Chart with value
- added check for new version on start
- removed charts and charts with value to Disk module
- now module submenu is disabled if module is disabled
- fixed bug when network module stop working after turn on/of
- fixed few bugs
- added charts and charts with value to Disk module
- fixed bug when Chart with value does not shows
- added network module
- added Check for updates window
- fixed few bugs
- added battery module
- added chart widget for CPU and Memory
- added About Stats window
- first release