An SDK for Google Chats Incoming Webhooks. Enables you to notify Google Chat chatrooms with simple text message threads or high fidelity interactive card interfaces.
A sample text message thread. Formatting can be done just as in user interface.
A sample interactive card thread. Embed images, basic html text blocks, rows of buttons and more advanced keyValue widgets.
Other sample card with keyValue widget.
- Getting started
- Sample
- Sources
- Create or select an existing chatroom in Google Chat
- Via the settings button choose
Configure Webhooks
- Create new webhook
- Copy webhooks new URL
- Run the sample
- Explore the sample code in
- Sending text message
await client.sendText("This is a basic text thread.");
- Formatting text helper
// ~_*block struck italic text*_~
const formatted = client.getFormattedMarkup(`bold struck italic text`, {
bold: true,
italic: true,
strikethrough: true,
// `some inline code`
const monospace = client.getFormattedMarkup(`some inline code`, { monospace: true });
// ```
// multi
// line
// code
// ```
const monospaceBlock = client.getFormattedMarkup(`multi\nline\ncode`, { monospaceBlock: true });
- Formatting mention helper
// <users/all>
const AT_ALL = client.getMentionMarkup(MentionType.ALL);
// <users/sample-user-id>
const userSpecificMention = client.getMentionMarkup(MentionType.USER_SPECIFIC, `sample-user-id`);
Given you somehow know the users ID you may use the syntax described in 'Messages that @mention specific users'
- Formatting link helper
// <|Sample Website>
const link = client.getLinkMarkup(``, `Sample Website`);
// <|>
const link = client.getLinkMarkup(``);
- Sending card message
See sample below.
const card: CardMessage = { ... };
await googleChat.sendCard(card);
import { GoogleChatWebhook } from "google-chat-webhook";
const url = process.env.WEBHOOK_URL;
if (!url) {
throw new Error("Environment variable 'WEBHOOK_URL' must be set.");
const client = new GoogleChatWebhook({ url });
* Send a simple text message to hangouts chat. Formatting is as
* within the UI.
* *bold text*
* _italic text_
* ~strike text~
* `inline code`
* ```
* multi-line
* code
* ```
const simpleMessage: GoogleChatWebhook.SimpleTextMessage = `*Bold text*\n\n`inline-code`\n_Italic text_\nUnformatted text\n`;
await client.sendTextMessage(simpleMessage);
* Send a more complex card message.
const card: CardMessage = {
cards: [
header: {
title: `Unsplash daily bot`,
subtitle: `Fresh inspiration every day`,
imageUrl: ``,
imageStyle: CardImageStyle.AVATAR,
sections: [
widgets: [
image: {
imageUrl: ``,
buttons: [
imageButton: {
icon: BuiltInIcon.BOOKMARK,
onClick: {
openLink: { url: `` },
textButton: {
text: `Explore more...`,
onClick: {
openLink: { url: `` },
await googleChat.sendCard(card);