Releases: bento-platform/bento_web
Releases · bento-platform/bento_web
Version 1.1.2
Fixes for pie chart "Other" category:
- move "other" threshold control to header (Redmine #987)
- skip autoquery for the grouped "other" category (search does not work here, so no point offering search)
- don't use "Other" if there is only a single category below the threshold for grouping into "Other"
unrelated bugfixes:
- Remove double "variant" option from search
- fix for crash where unindexed igv files were expected but missing
- fix for crash where experiments have no experiment results
Version 1.1.1
- header and footer logos
- custom header string (defaults to blank)
- histological diagnosis added to Biosamples tab
- bugfix: remove stale search results on new search
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
Version 1.1.0
Version 1.0.0
- expanded overview and individual details view
- improved search
- full vcfs and crams now viewable in igv.js
Version 0.2.0
- Add sign-in popup to allow for seamless re-signing-in
- Add webworker-based session refresh
- Support BentoV2 ingestion
- Update dependencies
- Dev: more linting, automatic antd CSS importing
Version 0.1.0
Initial release