bash2js converts bash output to JavaScript Arrays/Objects and lets you use JavaScript functions on it
# required NodeJS to work
npm install -g bash2js
command | bash2js # converts output from "command" to an array/object and prints it
command | bash2js "map(col => col[0])" # converts output from "command", loops through it and prints column of index 0 from each line (expects output to be an array)
command | bash2js test # converts output from "command", prints property with key "test" (expects output to be an object)
command | bash2js "[0]" # converts output from "command", prints first index in the array (expects output to be an array)
command | bash2js > test.json # converts output from "command", saved output to "test.json"
ls -l # outputs
total 10
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user 1049089 1013 jul 22 11:18 index.js*
-rw-r--r-- 1 user 1049089 1074 jul 21 09:22 LICENSE
-rw-r--r-- 1 user 1049089 533 jul 22 11:20 package.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 user 1049089 74 jul 21 09:23
ls -l | bash2js # converts ls -l to an array and prints it
[ "total", 10 ],
[ "-rwxr-xr-x", 1, "user", 1049089, 1013, "jul", 22, "11:18", "index.js*" ],
[ "-rw-r--r--", 1, "user", 1049089, 1074, "jul", 21, "09:22", "LICENSE" ],
[ "-rw-r--r--", 1, "user", 1049089, 533, "jul", 22, "11:20", "package.json" ],
[ "-rw-r--r--", 1, "user", 1049089, 74, "jul", 21, "09:23", "" ]
ls -l | bash2js "map(col => col[8])" # converts ls -l to an array of arrays and prints the element at index 8 in each array
cat package.json | bash2js repository # converts package.json to a object and prints the repository field
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"