Please provide information about what type of contributions your project is seeking here. For example, these can be bug reports, help answering user questions, improving documentation, bug fixes, and new feature implementations.
Add information on how to submit bug reports here. This should include suggestions for what kind of information the project will need to reproduce and troubleshoot. It can also include information about commonly encountered configuration errors that look like bugs. Also include information about what taxpayers can expect in terms of time for first response and subsequent processing.
Add information on how to submit feature requests here. Also include information about what taxpayers can expect in terms of time for first response and subsequent processing.
Include information on the documentation best practices your project follows, as well as how to create documentation, checks to run, and how to push changes to the project.
This section should contain information about
- How to access the source code of the project,
- General design of the project,
- Any requirements for the development environment,
- Code format guidelines,
- How to run the test suite