Tinder clone in Swift.
- Facebook authentication
- Parse backend (for storing user information)
- Send and receive messages with Firebase
- Use the out-of-the-box code, with small changes
- Create your own Parse, Facebook, and Firebase app
Below, I walk you through the set up. If you still need help: @thomasmeagher or tom@meagher.co.
- Clone the repo
- Open Tindergram.xcworkspace (important)
- Sign up or login to Parse
- Create a new app
- Add a new class of type, User
- Go to Constants.swift and insert your parseAppID and parseClientKey
- Go to Facebook Developer
- Add a new app
- Configure your info.plist and bundle identifier (the quickstart guide walks through this process)
- Sign up or login to Firebase
- Create a new app
- Go to Constants.swift and insert your firebaseAppURL
- Run the app and login
- Check Parse. If everything worked correctly, you should now appear as a user.
- You will want to add test users in Parse so that you have people to swipe through
- Enjoy
Tindergram is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
Credit to Bitfountain for their awesome iOS 8 Course and app assets