black-nvim formats your Python buffer asynchronously using Black. Its interface is simple: it defines a function, |Black()|, that formats the entire buffer.
You can set *Black()* to a command, key mapping, or just call it directly. For example, you can put the following commands in after/ftplugin/python.vim to make CTRL-Q format the buffer:
nnoremap <buffer><silent> <c-q> <cmd>call Black()<cr>
inoremap <buffer><silent> <c-q> <cmd>call Black()<cr>
You can also use *BlackSync()* to format your buffer synchronously. This can be used in the |BufWritePre| autocmd to format your buffer on save.
Use *g:black#settings* For example:
let g:black#settings = {
\ 'fast': 1,
\ 'line_length': 100
(default: 0) Set to a non-zero number to skip the AST check. This makes formatting a lot faster.line_length
(default: 88) Set to an integer to tell Black where to wrap lines.