trynna make prepping a bit less burnout prone by making it braindead simple maybe some other things too idk
- download latest binary release from
- double click, nationlist json should be downloaded
- fill nationlist json with nations and passwords respectively
- open swarm.exe, navigate to tab you want to use
- fill in main nation (for user agent) and jump point/poll fields
- mash the button until the program tells you you're all done/out of nations
- install python 3.10
- run install_dependencies.bat
- run main.pyw with python 3.10
- install python 3.10
- run install_dependencies.bat
- run "python -m pip install pyinstaller"
- run compile_exe.bat
pls format your code with black beforehand, basically my only requirement ._.
- change theme
- switch to a tabbed interface or checkboxes for multiple options
- migrate from storing data in .py to .json
- switch to dictionary for nation list
- add tab for poll raiding
- add icon
- add tab for putting up tags (this is gonna suck so much i hate nationstates)
- add tab for changing nation fields and flag
- add puppet creator because NS++ is practically abandoned at this point
- generalize currently used functions
- create binaries
- publish instructions on creating binaries in accordance w/ GPL
- functionality to find your wa
- login script