The repo related to these packages can be found here:
Before Fedora 35:
After (including) Fedora 35:
This repo has old packages for Fedora 25 to 38 and up to date packages for Fedora 39, 40 and rawhide.
To build the spec file:
- copy it into your rpmbuild/SPEC directory
- run:
$ spectool -g <package_name.spec> # to download the source file
- copy the source file into rpmbuild/SOURCE
- run:
$ rpmbuild -ba filename.spec
The result can be found in:
- RPMS/noarch
- RPMS/x86_64
The SRPMS file is located in:
Install the rpm file using yum: as a root user:
$ yum install filename.rpm
# or
$ dnf install filename.rpm
To mirror the COPR repository:
$ mkdir -p rpm-copr/40
$ cd rpm-copr/40
$ dnf reposync --release=40 --destdir . --downloadcomp
To test the rebuild of the package using mock:
$ mock -r /etc/mock/fedora-40-x86_64.cfg --rebuild polyphone-2.0.1-1.fc40.src.rpm
To enable a thirdparty repository, you must add it to /etc/mock/templates/fedora-40.tpl for example and then, enable it via the command line. For example:
$ mock -r /etc/mock/fedora-40-x86_64.cfg --enablerepo=ycollet-audinux --rebuild dgedit-0.1-2.fc40.src.rpm
The portion added to /etc/mock/templates/fedora-{39,40,rawhide}.tpl is:
name=Copr repo for audinux owned by ycollet
name=RPM Fusion for Fedora $releasever - Free
skip_if_unavailable = 1
keepcache = 0
This is the content of the repo conf file found in /etc/yum.repo.d.
To create the LiveCD using livecd-creator-mao:
First: prepare the thirdparty files (GuitarPro files, soundfonts, images):
$ ./
This script will download a zip a put everything in /tmp/prepare/ directory.
As a root user:
$ livecd-creator --verbose --config=fedora-40-live-jam-xfce.ks --fslabel=Audinux --releasever 40
# To build using the EPEL 7 version of livecd-tools:
$ mock -r /etc/mock/epel-7-x86_64.cfg --isolation=simple --init --install wget unzip livecd-tools
$ mock -r /etc/mock/epel-7-x86_64.cfg --copyin fedora-40-live-jam-xfce.ks --copyin /builddir
$ mock -r /etc/mock/epel-7-x86_64.cfg --enable-network --shell
# To build using the Fedora 40 version of livecd-tools:
$ mock -r /etc/mock/fedora-40-x86_64.cfg --isolation=simple --init --install wget unzip livecd-tools
$ mock -r /etc/mock/fedora-40-x86_64.cfg --copyin fedora-40-live-jam-xfce.ks --copyin /builddir
$ mock -r /etc/mock/fedora-40-x86_64.cfg --enable-network --shell
# Then: preinstall the required files and start livecd-creator
$ cd /builddir
$ ./
$ livecd-creator --verbose --config=fedora-40-live-jam-xfce.ks --fslabel=Audinux --releasever 40
To create the LiceCD using livemedia-creator:
As a root user:
$ mock -r /etc/mock/fedora-40-x86_64.cfg --isolation=simple --init --install lorax-lmc-novirt wget unzip libblockdev-lvm libblockdev-btrfs libblockdev-swap libblockdev-loop libblockdev-crypto libblockdev-mpath libblockdev-dm libblockdev-mdraid libblockdev-nvdimm
$ mock -r /etc/mock/fedora-40-x86_64.cfg --copyin fedora-40-live-jam-xfce.ks --copyin /builddir
$ mock -r /etc/mock/fedora-40-x86_64.cfg --enable-network --shell
$ cd /builddir
$ ./
$ livemedia-creator --make-iso --ks fedora-40-live-jam-xfce.ks --project Audinux --iso-name livecd-fedora-40-mao.iso --iso-only --releasever 40 --volid Audinux --image-name Audinux --resultdir /var/lmc --no-virt --tmp /var/tmp
To check the potential changes from the kickstart file: $ dnf install pykickstart.noarch rpmfusion-free-remix-kickstarts.noarch spin-kickstarts.noarch $ ksflatten -c /usr/share/spin-kickstarts/fedora-live-xfce.ks -o xfce.ks $ meld fedora-40-live-jam-xfce.ks xfce.ks &
To test the ISO file:
Install QEmu-KVM and the SDL interface.
$ dnf install qemu-system-x86-core qemu-kvm
$ dnf install qemu-ui-sdl qemu-audio-sdl
Without audio:
$ qemu-kvm -m 2048 -vga qxl -display sdl -cdrom fedora-40-Audinux.iso
With audio and usb:
$ qemu-kvm -m 2048 -vga qxl -usb -device intel-hda -device hda-duplex -display sdl -cdrom fedora-40-Audinux.iso
With audio, usb and with 2 cpus:
$ qemu-kvm -m 2048 -vga qxl -usb -device intel-hda -device hda-duplex -smp cpus=2 -display sdl -cdrom fedora-40-Audinux.iso
To test the USB bootable file:
$ qemu-kvm -m 2048 -vga qxl -display sdl -smp cpus=2 -usb -device intel-hda -device hda-duplex -drive file=fedora-40-Audinux.iso -boot menu=on
To mount a usb device:
# lsusb
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 18d1:4e11 Google Inc. Nexus One
(Note the Bus and device numbers). Manually, using qemu-kvm command line
$ qemu-kvm -m 2048 -name Audinux -display sdl -cdrom fedora-40-Audinux.iso -usb -device usb-host,hostbus=2,hostaddr=3
Write ISO to USB:
You can use dd:
$ dd if=Audinux.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=1024
Or mediawriter:
$ dnf install mediawriter
$ mediawriter
Once the USB key is installed, you can add data persistency using livecd-iso-to-disk:
$ dnf install livecd-tools-mao
Locate where is your usb disk:
$ dmesg | tail
$ lsblk
Then, reformat to ext4 the usb disk:
$ mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb
To add a persistent home directory of size 2Go:
$ livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --format --msdos --home-size-mb 2048 Audinux.iso /dev/sdb
To add a data persistency on your USB key:
$ livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --format --msdos --unencrypted-home --overlay-size-mb 2048 Audinux.iso /dev/sdb
To add both data persistency add home persistency on your USB key:
$ livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --format --msdos --unencrypted-home --overlay-size-mb 2048 --home-size-mb 2048 Audinux.iso /dev/sdb
Depending on the size of the iso file, you may need to format the USB drive using a efi format:
$ livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --format --efi --unencrypted-home --overlay-size-mb 2048 --home-size-mb 2048 Audinux.iso /dev/sdb
You can find a lot of informations related to USB stick and tools to generate these sticks here:
How to use a spec file:
If you use a red hat derivative, you can rebuild the rpm packages from the spec file. Most of the time, you can copy the .spec file in your rpmbuild/SPEC directory. Some times, there are some sources package to copy in rpmbuild/SOURCE directory. You have to check is the spec file, there are some indications on how to get the source code.
After that, if there are no indications on how to get the source code:
$ spectool -g <package_name>.spec
in rpmbuild/SPEC. This command will download the some required source files. You must then move the downloaded files from rpmbuild/SPEC to rpmbuild/SOURCE. Otherwise, have a look in the spec file for instructions on how to get the source code.
And now, it's time to build the package:
$ rpmbuild -ba .spec
The package to be manually installed via dnf / yum or rpm are located in rpmbuild/RPMS The source package is located in rpmbuild/SRPMS.
You can also check the following link:
Install the package to be tested + dnf (if you want to install something else) + libX11-xcb (some GUI requires this package to be able to start inside the chroot).
$ mock -r /etc/mock/fedora-40-x86_64.cfg --dnf --install linux-show-player-0.5.2-1.fc40.noarch.rpm dnf libX11-xcb
Now, enable X session connections to the host:
$ xhost +
Then, start a shell chroot (and enable network connection if you want to complete manually the installation):
$ mock -r /etc/mock/fedora-37-x86_64.cfg --enable-network --shell
Export the host display when you are in the chroot:
<mock-chroot> sh-5.0# export DISPLAY=:0.0
And now start the application you wanted to test:
<mock-chroot> sh-5.0# linux-show-player
After the tests, exit from the chroot:
<mock-chroot> sh-5.0# exit
And cleanup the chroot:
$ mock -r /etc/mock/fedora-40-x86_64.cfg --clean