Welcome! We appreciate your interest in contributing to our project. This document provides guidelines and instruction on how to contribute effectively to our project.
- Knowledge about NodeJS, Javascript, Typescript, Jest and Test Orientation Development
- Optionally but recommended, knowledge about Docker, Docker Composer and some experience with the stack.
To setup your local repository just follow the instructions in the documentation here.
We welcome contributions from the community to make our project even better! Please follow the guidelines below to ensure a smooth contribution process.
If you encounter any bugs, have suggestions, or want to request a new feature, please submit an issue. When reporting an issue, please provide a detailed description and, if possible, steps to reproduce the problem.
We also appreciate well-thought-out feature requests. If you have an idea for an improvement or a new feature, please submit an issue to discuss it with the community.
To contribute with this project please follow the Git Flow standards, i.e., first clone the repository, make a branch, maintain the code style and the standards, test everything, and submit a pull request. You don't know about? Please read more here.
We believe in fostering an open and inclusive community. We encourage respectful and constructive communication among contributors and maintainers. Please be considerate and understanding towards others.
By contributing to this project, you are agreeing to that your contributions will be licenced under the LICENCE file of the project.