small gtk + app to plot data recieved over wifi
The project aims at creating wireless DSO module. Which will sample and the analog voltage levels with a TivaC development board and send the data over a wifi link using CC3100 addon board . This particular repository contains the code for the reception part. All the details of the project (both reciever and sender side ) is given in Project Report
the code is written entirely in C.
The program is multithreaded to address any dead lock issue. Cairo library is used for drawing ui
GTK3 sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
glib sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-0
cairo sudo apt-get install libcairo2
for all the build tools sudo apt-get install build-essentials
use the make file provided in the project root
make - for building the project
make run - to launch the ui
click on the connect button . now the ui can start recieving UDP packets . You will have to get the ip address of the machine and update it on the sender
code for Tiva board is available at wifi-DSO-module project by aswinajayan
1. Ananda Kundu
2. Sunny Mehtha
3. Aswin P Ajayan